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Employment Application
Thank you for your interest in the ministry of the Academy! We realize that the key to a successful school is its employees. We are grateful for those who are professionally qualified, love children, and who, by the pattern of their lives, are Christian role models.

Along with this application, we also ask that you email a copy of a cover letter, resume, and a summary of your spiritual journey to

If after reviewing your application and requested documentation we are moving forward with your candidacy , we will follow up with you to arrange an interview. In case of any questions please email us at  We look forward to hearing from you.

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Email *
Applicant's full name, address, and phone number *
Position sought *
How did you learn about the position for which you are applying? *
What degree or degrees do you hold? *
Why do you wish to work at a Christian school? *
Please read WBCA Statement's of Faith and please pick one of the following responses: *
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