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Parent Volunteer and Leadership Interest
Herbert Hoover Theatre's success is because of our fabulous community members! Each year we enlist scores of parent volunteers - many in leadership positions. Our track record of parent returnees over the years speaks for itself! Please consider joining our exciting and creative Production Team. We need Leaders and Members! Talent is not required - although highly respected, as is your time.

All students involved with the production are required to have their fair-share of parent participation. However, there is a spot for all - no matter your busy schedules. Please complete the fields below. Again this is ONLY FOR PARENT INTEREST at this time. Student entries will be deleted.

Please enter a PARENT EMAIL address as first contact below. If multiple parents wish to volunteer please complete separate google forms.

Each year we ask that parents and guardians complete this form even if you are a returning family.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please be sure to enter a Parent or Guardian Email in the above field.
Parent First Name *
Parent Last name *
Our family is a returning member of Herbert Hoover Theatre. *
I am a member of the Herbert Hoover Theatre google group list and receive regular emails? (Parent only)

If answering "NO" below please follow this link to subscribe.
My student is a member of the 2023-2024 MyMCPS Classroom page and I am an observer. If answering "no" below please follow directions and links below:

STUDENT ONLY use link to enroll. Parent enrollments will be deleted.

Parents/Guardians are automatically added as observers once student is enrolled. If you are NOT then please check your ParentVue Account status by logging in HERE.
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Grade *
Student 'numerical' issued email address: *
Parent Volunteer Interest: Please select area(s) of possible interest. This is not binding in any way, just helps us plan and coordinate.  Check all that you would like to learn more about. *
If it is easier for you to describe your interests and availability, please type below.
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