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Adoption Application
Fill out this form if you are interested in adopting a pet from Animal Rescue Foundation. Please fill out the form in its entirety, incomplete forms will not be considered.  Please note that our first communications will be via email. Make sure that you use an email that you check regularly. 
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Email *
Last Name
First Name
Phone Number
Are you older than 21? If not, add your birthday on the other line.
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Permanent Address- Please make sure to include your city and state.
If your mailing address is different from your permanent street address, please enter here.
Do you have children that live in your household? If so, how old?  (Please note that this question is just to judge if the pet is appropriate as some animals don't do well will younger children).
Housing Status:
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If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and number so that we can confirm that you are allowed to have pets.
Are you willing to pay the fees associated with caring for a pet, including but not limited to heartworm prevention, yearly vaccinations, flea and tick control?
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Are you willing to spend more money on your pet for veterinary care should they become ill?
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Please list the pets that you currently own.  Names and type
Have you had any other pets in the last five years that ARE NOT listed in the previous question? If so, please list them and why you no longer have them.
What vets have you used in the past? Please list the name and phone number. If your account isn't under your name, please list the name it is under. Please note, if you are a first time pet owner, you need to provide your parents' vet info.  No pet will be adopted without vet info.
Are you looking for a cat or dog?
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Are you interested in a specific animal? If so, please list his  or her name.
If the specific pet(s) you listed are not available, would you like to meet our other pets as well
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Where will the pet be when you are not home?
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Where will the pet be when you are home?
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Where will the pet sleep?
Why are you getting this pet?
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I certify that the above information is true and understand that applications submitted electronically are not valid unless I enter my name in the signature field below and such action shall constitute an electronic signature.  
Where  did you learn about ARF?
Is there anything further that you would like to share with us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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