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Enka Intermediate 5th Grade Transition Program
Our school has begun to organize a program for incoming 5th grade students to promote a successful transition for students and families.  Activities and events will be centered around: acclimating to the school environment, being exposed to some of the procedures and expectations, enjoying positive first connections with staff and other 5th grade students, and benefiting from the opportunity to ask questions and absorb the school culture, in order to minimize the transition stress for students!  IN ORDER TO PLAN AND PREPARE EFFECTIVELY, PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS GOOGLE FORM BY____________________________.
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Please indicate whether or not you'd like your child to participate, and that you have reviewed these specific details of the Enka Intermediate School 5th Grade Transition Program below:

1) The 5th grade transition program will be held at Enka Intermediate School from 8:00-12:00pm on Tuesday, August 16th, and Wednesday, August 17th.

* Students with the last names starting with A through L are invited to attend Tuesday, August 16th.

* Students with the last names starting with M through Z are invited to attend Wednesday, August 17th.

2) Breakfast will be served at 8:00am and lunch will be served at 11:30am.  

3) Students will be dismissed at 12:00pm, students will have to be dropped off at the front of the school at 8:00am and picked up at the front of the school at 12:00pm as car riders.  Bus transportation will not be available.

4) Activities will be intentionally planned to be highly engaging and F-U-N with an emphasis on building student' excitement, comfort, and the readiness for a successful start to the school year!

5) Adequate # of staff will be present to ensure student' supervision and student' safety.
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What is your child's first name? *
What is your child's last name? *
What day will your child be attending?  
* Students with the last names starting with A through L are invited to attend Tuesday, August 16th.

* Students with the last names starting with M through Z are invited to attend Wednesday, August 17th.
What is your name (parent / guardian)? *
What is the contact phone # that you can be reached at during the days of the 5th Grade Transition Program? *
Are there any specific student' needs that our staff members need to be aware of ?  (Medical, Special Education, Behavioral, etc.)  This information is confidential and would only be shared with staff as needed. *
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