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2024 Leadership Academy Application

Hello Applicant, 

Thank you for your interest in our 2023-2024 Leadership Academy.  The agents that make up this class will spend the year learning about the innerworkings of our industry at the local, state and national levels.

This highly sought-after position generates numerous applications.  Please take time to fully answer each question.  We look forward to reviewing your application.

Jackie Wolverton, St. Charles REALTORS® Leadership Development Committee Chair

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2023-2024 Leadership Academy Application 
I agree to attend all of the required sessions listed above.  *
Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Real Estate Office *
Managing Broker's Name *
Managing Broker's Email Address *
Managing Broker's Cell Phone Number *
How long have you been in the Real Estate Industry?
Do you have any Real Estate Designations? If so, please list which designations you have below. *
What previous involvement have you had with St. Charles REALTORS? 

i.e.: Committees/task forces served on, events attended, courses taught or participated in.
What is the primary focus of your real estate career? *
What leadership roles have you had in your industry or community? *
What do you hope to gain from your participation in the Leadership Academy? *
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