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LunGradCon Speaker Feedback Form - J.H. Fairweather; High-Resolution Automated Impact Crater Detection on LRO-NAC Images
For all sections, please comment on things that were done both well and poorly. Some things to think about are included in each section, but please add anything you think would be useful. Rate the quality of each section from 1 (low) to 5 (high).
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Speaking Style
Speaking style
could be improved
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Did the speaker sound confident or unprepared? Was the speaker easy or hard to understand?
Visual Aids
Visual aids
could be improved
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How effective were the speaker’s slides in communicating their message? Were the slides wordy, cluttered, or sparse? Were plots or graphs explained well and/or labeled clearly?
Communication of Material
Communication of the material
could be improved
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How effectively did the speaker explain their presentation? Were you able to understand and follow the speaker’s message?  Was the talk presented in a logical, consistent manner?
Work Significance
Discussion of the significance of the work
could be improved
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How well did the speaker put their presentation in the context of lunar exploration and planetary science, in general?
Handling of Questions & Comments
Handling of questions and comments
could be improved
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How well did the speaker handle questions during/after the presentation? Were the questions resolved in a satisfactory manner?
Other Feedback
Things the speaker did well:
Other ways the speaker could improve:
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