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Cardinal Baseball/Softball Camp for 2025
  1. Cardinal Baseball Camp, LLC will be at Western Middle School (no metal spikes allowed) this year for it's 23rd summer of camp. We deliver skills, drills, and coach pitch game play daily.  Camp hours are from 9:00AM -12:00 noon. Campers ages 8-8th grade (entering High School) are welcome! 

  2. Sessions dates and rates: 
    Complete session= 4 weeks: $1600 ($200 off the weekly rate)
    Individual weeks are $450 each 
    week 1: July 7-July 10 (July 11 rain date)
    week2: July 14-July 17 (July 18 rain date)
    week 3: July 21-July 24 (July 25 rain date)
    week 4: July 28- July 31 (August 1 rain date)

  3. Payments available by cash, check, or Venmo @Michael-Mora-58.

  4. Please call 203-253-6025 or email with any questions regarding camp or payment options.

  5. ***10% discount for siblings attending the same weeks***

  6. Please make checks payable to“Cardinal Baseball Camp, LLC”

  7. Please mail completed registration to:
    35 Strickland Rd. Cos Cob, CT 06807 

  8. Inclement weather policy: In case of rain that we deem would make the field unplayable, or thunderstorm forecasts for the day, we will post cancellations on the website: before 7:30am on that camp day.

  9. Fridays will be the make-up day because double-sessions are not allowed this summer due to field availability.

  10. Camp is Monday-Thursday each week and if a rain-day needs to be made up, it will take place on that Friday. The only exception is the week of the 4th when there is no rain date. Campers can choose any day in the last 2 weeks to make up a rain date that week. 

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Camper's First Name *
Camper's Last Name  *
Baseball Camp or Softball Camp  *
week (s) attending. Please click all that apply unless going 4 weeks; then click "full session" *
Camper Age as of 7/8/25 *
Street Address, Town, and Zip Code *
School attending 2025-26 *
Primary parent guardian name (First and Last) *
Primary Contact Phone Number *
Guardian Email address *
Emergency Contact Phone number (In case Primary can not be reached)  *
Pediatrician's Name *
Pediatrician's Phone *
Camper's special medications (If none please type N/A) *
Parent Authorization: 

I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrant and I will abide by the rules of Cardinal Baseball Camp. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury, associated with baseball in consideration for Cardinal Baseball Camp, LLC accepting the registrant for its program and activities, I hereby release, discharge and/or indemnify Cardinal Baseball Camp, LLC, coaches, its affiliates, organizations, their employees, and associated personnel, including the owners of the fields and facilities used for the programs, against any claims by or on behalf of the registrant’s participation in the programs. I authorize use of player photos on Cardinal Baseball Camp website. 

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