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Hey there! Julie here. 

I'm so excited that you've landed on this page and are ready to grow your business with a proven blend of authority building and sales strategy. 

There is no better time, than right now, to start building your personal brand into a revenue generating business that creates impact, financial freedom and influence.

My programs and coaching experiences are perfect for online entrepreneurs and creators who ARE DONE trying to do everything on their own and are ready for strategic guidance on brand growth, sales strategy, hiring, CEO mindset while having a supportive community to lean on while they grow.

This is the ideal next step for experts (coaches, service providers etc) and entrepreneurs who have made some money but know they can be (and should be) making more each month! 

What's different/ unique about my coaching approach is the done with you and done for you component that myself and my team provide. 

On our call we will help you with clarity and streamlining the best and fastest way to achieve your next level of success. We will also help you determine the best next steps for you to take based on your short term and long term goals.

If you are ready to start building, growing and monetizing your personal brand then please take a few minutes to thoughtfully fill out this form and we'll be in touch soon with next steps to book our call! 


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Full name *
Where did you learn about this form? *
If it was from IG, a podcast, from a friend, or at an event, I'd love to know! 
Email *
IG Handle *
Please share your approximate follower count and any details that would be helpful to support you. Are they engaged? Are they buyers? Are they the right target audience for you? *
Note: More often than not, follower count does NOT correspond with revenue - I like to ask this so I can be clear on what's happening both internally and externally. 
Website *
How do you describe your current business? *
What is your #1 major business goal for 2024?  Please be specific. *
How does your business generate revenue? *
What was your total revenue in 2023 and how much have you received in 2024 so far? *
What is your revenue goal for 2024? *
Which of the following revenue streams are you interested in growing? *
Combinations are welcome! Tell us what you see! 
Why do I stand out to you as the person to learn and receive support from? *
How have you been supported in business before? What did you like and not like about these experiences? *
I'd love to know if you've taken courses or worked with a coach and if so what did you LOVE? On the other hand, what aspects of your work together would you leave behind? 
What do you feel is holding you back right now? *
Why is now the time to get support to grow your business? *
When it comes investing in your business, are you... *
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