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Dear faculty members,
We request you to spend your valuable time in completing this feedback on curriculum. This will enable us to improve and restructure the curriculum for the next academic year - IQAC
Email *
Name  *
Contact Number *
Department *
Course handled *
Statements of Feedback
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Current curriculum is developed based on the recommendations from the experts and need based
Curriculum includes recent advances in the respective domain
PO, PSO, and COs of the curriculum are well-defined
Curriculum have good academic flexibility
The curriculum fulfils the intellectual needs of the students
Curriculum enhances employability skills of the students
The contents of the course handled by me has increased my knowledge and perspective in the subject area
There is an ample scope to adopt new technologies of teaching such as seminars, presentations, group discussions, projects etc.
The curriculum has a good balance between theory and laboratory-work
The depth of the course content is adequate to have significant learning outcomes
The course has a broad scope to include ICT enabled teaching
Any Other Suggestions : *
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