Project Manager and Working Group Preferences
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Name *
Please provide your first and last name.
Project Manager Preference--First Choice *
Of the Project Manager candidates who have submitted statements of interest, which would be your first choice, based on a review of the statements of interest and the resumes on Marca?
Project Manager Preference--Second Choice *
Of the Project Manager candidates who have submitted statements of interest, which would be your second choice, based on a review of the statements of interest and the resumes on Marca?
Project Manager Preference--Third Choice *
Of the Project Manager candidates who have submitted statements of interest, which would be your third choice, based on a review of the statements of interest and the resumes on Marca?
Working Group Preferences *
Other than your Project Manager preferences, your submission on the Project Preferences form, and the information you've provided in your statement of interest, is there anything else I should take into consideration when assigning you to a team and project?
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