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The Roberta P. Gamble Community Scholarship
Application Deadline - September 13, 2024

Amount of Scholarship up to $1000

The Greenville Area Arts Council is proud to announce the Roberta P. Gamble Scholarship honoring our founder, friend, and inspiration Roberta "Bobbie" Gamble.  The scholarship is intended to provide funds of up to $1000 (that may be divided if necessary) to a resident in Butler County, Alabama seeking to enrich themselves or others through the arts.  We are committed to enriching through music, dance, drama, and art. 

*Please note, the money awarded will go directly to the provider of services or products "The Entity".  If awarded the scholarship, an invoice must be provided to GAAC in order to apply funds to the provider of services or products directly. 

Notification Date of Scholarship Recipients: September 25, 2024

Email *
Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number: *
Mailing Address *
Age *
Birthday *
Describe in detail the need and your plans for the funds. *
What is the cost to meet the need: 
ex: dance lessons ($55 a month for 9 months, totaling $495 for the year ) 
ex: Snare Drum for band ($400)
* An invoice on the entity's letterhead must be attached to application to be considered for scholarship.
For payment purposes,
Name of Entity, contact and address for which payment will be made.


Street Address, City, State, Zip
Will you allow for publication of your winning the scholarship to be advertised on social media, and newspapers?  Are you willing to attend an Arts Council Production on October 10, 2024, and be named the chosen recipient and accept the scholarship on stage? *
In 250 words or more explain why you and or your organization should be considered for the Roberta Gamble Art Scholarship. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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