PIE Branch: Survey #1
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Background Info
Just wanted to get a quick sense of people's backgrounds, including: conlanging, Proto-Indo-European, diachronics, comparative method, etc.
How long have you been conlanging for?
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Have you ever constructed a fully-functional, 90%+ complete conlang before?
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How much do you know about Proto-Indo-European?
This question is only here so I know how detailed I should be in future posts. Your honesty will make this project much more accessible!
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Do you know about diachronics (language change over time)?
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Do you know how proto-languages are crafted (i.e. do you know about the comparative method)?
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PIE Branch: Survey #1 Questions
These questions are specifically about the branch we are designing. It will help to have the post open while you answer these to see what each one is referencing.
Which plosive series should we assume for Proto-Indo-European?
Remember, none of these are "right" or "wrong"; we are just choosing one for simplicity's sake on our end.
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Which interpretation of Laryngeal Theory should we assume for Proto-Indo-European?
Remember, none of these are "right" or "wrong", we are just choosing one for simpliticity's sake on our end.
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Which migration pattern should our speakers use?
The response to this will HEAVILY influence our language and the alternate history; it will directly impact phonology (contact with other languages), history (our speakers' presence will interfere with the development of rising civilizations in those areas), etc.
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How active of a role do you want to take in this process?
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If you answered that you want to help in the question above, please enter your Reddit username below.
Which part of this project are you most interested in?
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Do you have any questions, comments, ideas, etc. that you would like to share with me as I prepare for the next post (focusing on established sound laws, and the phonologies of languages nearby to our chosen migration site)?
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