Unit 3 Test
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1.  Which sentence is an example of alliteration? *
2.  Which sentence is an example of a metaphor? *
3.  The poet T.S. Eliot, who wrote "The Naming of Cats" and "Rum Tum Tugger" preferred to use plain language to make his point instead of made up words. *
4.  Which sentence is an example of onomotopoeia? *
5.  Which sentence is an example of a simile? *
6.  Make an inference based on the following excerpt from the text.  "Tito and his dog Bimbo lived (if you could call it living) under the well where it joined the inner gate."  What can you infer the author means when he says, "if you could call it living?" *
7.  Poets use rhythm to make their poems sound a certain way and make the reader FEEL a certain way when they read it. *
8.  Compare the animal-human relationship in "The Dog of Pompeii" with the relationship in "Zlateh the Goat," "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe," and "Stray."  Identify the statement below that is NOT true about all the children-animal relationships. *
9.  How are the poems "The Black Snake" and "Vern" alike? *
10.  Puncutation isn't important to poetry. *
11.  What theme does "Vern" and "Stray" share? *
12.  Which best describes how the speakers in "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" and "The Black Snake" view snakes? *
13.  Which best describes how Aaron feels when he and Zlateh are trapped by the snowstorm? *
14.  How do we know the cat in "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe" is important to the children? *
15.  For the cat in "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe," the biggest danger is: *
16.  Which of the following is the theme of "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe"?
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17.  Why do you think poet Gary Soto chose and ode as the poetic form in which to write about his cat in "Ode to Mi Gato"? *
18.  How is the survival of Aaron and Zlateh similar to the cat's story in "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe"? *
19.  Onomatopoeia is when you hear the same or a similar sound over and over again in a passage. *
20.  Poets use figurative language to make their readers see, hear, smell, or taste a particular thing while reading a poem. *
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