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Stay in Vermont Survey
This short survey is aimed at people who have moved "temporarily" to Vermont during and related to the COVID-19 pandemic. What would it take for you to stay here when things return to something more normal? Are you planning on staying -- or not -- Please tell us why. Responses are confidential. This is a collaborative project between the Vermont Futures Project and the Center for Research on Vermont. Before taking the survey please read the Research Information Sheet at this link Thank you!
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Name (optional)
Check the box that best describes the type of organization you work for *
How long have you been living in Vermont? *
Are you here now in Vermont because of the COVID-19 pandemic in some way? Please explain.
And why did you choose to move to Vermont either recently or before?
Once life returns to something like more normal,  how likely is it that you will remain living in Vermont? *
Please briefly describe why or why not?
What are some of the aspects of Vermont that most attract you to continue living here?
What are the main reasons that you see yourself leaving Vermont once things return to more normal?
What are some things Vermont could do to make you more likely to stay?
What are some of the connections you have to Vermont?
Would your current employer allow you to continue teleworking from Vermont?
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If you are interested in remaining in Vermont, what steps could your current employer take that would enable you to continue working from Vermont?
How is the internet where you are living? *
Who is your current employer?
What is your current position?
My present living situation in Vermont is in a....
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Pronouns *
Age *
Highest level of education completed
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Can we contact you?
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Email (optional)
Please select the county where you are currently located in Vermont. *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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