UX Questionnaire TMF
Hello and thank you for taking time to answer this questionnaire.
In order to improve the user experience of the TMF (Tracing and Monitoring Framework), we need your help to evaluate the actual version of the framework.
The data collected will help us to improve future updates of the tool, making it more pleasant for you to use and more efficient.

It should take around 10 minutes and it is anonymous.

If you have any question or comment fell free to contact us at: ludovic.lefebvre@polymtl.ca
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What is your situation? *
How would you describe your computing knowledge level? *
Under what Operating System do you use TMF? *
What is the context in which you use TMF? *
For how many hours have you used TMF? *
How would you describe your mastery of this tool? *
Why do you use TMF? What are your goals? *
Do you succeed? *
If the previous answer is not "Yes, totally"
Which view(s) do you use the most?
(e.g. : Control Flow view, Ressources view, etc.).
How easy to use is TMF? *
Very difficult
Very easy
How would you evaluate the software speed? *
Too slow
Fast enough
How would you evaluate the extent of functionality? *
Missing things
Everything is here
How would you evaluate the efficiency of the present functionalities? *
Very inefficient
Very efficient
What are the tasks/actions that cause you problems? Why?
Are you using other software for analyzing traces? Why? *
What are the other software/tools you use in parallel?
Do you have any other remarks?
Would you be interested in being contacted for user testing?
Please give us your email and your location.
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