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Update Your Information
We're so happy your found your way home to O'Connell!

Please use this form to update your information so we can make sure you receive the latest and greatest from your alma mater including periodic newsletters, the Knights' Pages magazine and invitations to reunions and our annual Homecoming barbeque!

We take your privacy very seriously! Bishop O'Connell High School will never sell or share your contact information. You can read more about our privacy policy by clicking here.

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Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name  *
Maiden Name
Your Class Year at O'Connell *
Street Address  *
Street Address Two
City *
State *
Zip *
Your Preferred Phone Number *
Is This Phone Number Text Enabled? *
Your Preferred Email Address *
Alumni Connections:
Did any of your family members also attend O'Connell? Brothers, sisters, mom, dad, aunts/uncles?
If yes, please list your family members here (and graduation year, if known)
Are you interested in serving on your class' reunion committee for milestone events? *
Are you interested in being a class ambassador and helping us spread the word about O'Connell alumni-specific events such as local happy hours, Homecoming plans, etc.? *
Anything you'd like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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