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Chung Chi Choir Recruitment 2024-2025
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地點:香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 或 香港中文大學許讓成樓
時間:學期間逢星期四 下午4:30-6:30
地點:香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 或 香港中文大學許讓成樓
1. 2024年10月25日 崇基學院週會「七十三週年校慶感恩崇拜」:
    Anton Bruckner: Motet "Locus Iste"

2. 2024年11月7日 秋季音樂會:
    Anton Bruckner: Motet "Locus iste" 
    Michael Tippett: Five Spirituals from "A Child of Our Time" 
    Bob Chilcott: A Little Jazz Mass

The Chung Chi Choir was founded in 1960 and is mainly composed of music students, though it also includes students from other departments and alumni. We hold an average of two public performances each year and also perform at major events and celebrations at the college. It is often invited to perform at university events and other off-campus occasions. The Chung Chi Choir is now recruiting new members for the new semester. If you are interested in joining us, please do not hesitate to apply for our audition!

Audition Details
Target singers: Students studying at the CUHK or exchange students
Requirements: Sight-singing and vocal range testing
Date: 2/9-9/9
Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, CUHK OR Hui Yeung Shing Building, CUHK
[The exact time and venue will be confirmed later through email or phone.]
Regular Rehearsal
Instructor: Professor Carmen KOON
Time: Every Thursday, 4:30–6:30 pm during semesters
Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, CUHK OR Hui Yeung Shing Building, CUHK
Concert Details
First Term:
1. 25/10/2024 Chung Chi College Assembly, "73rd Anniversary of Founders' Day Thanksgiving Service":
    Anton Bruckner: Motet "Locus Iste"
2. 7/11/2024 Fall Concert: 
    Anton Bruckner: Motet "Locus iste" 
    Michael Tippett: Five Spirituals from "A Child of Our Time" 
    Bob Chilcott: A Little Jazz Mass
Second Term: To be confirmed
We will contact you as soon as possible. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us through
Email *
Note for CUHK Music Department Undergraduate Freshmen
If you are going to participate in the music department orientation camp, you can skip this form.
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