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2022毫無隱藏「夫妻之愛」台北場 NHM Love After Marriage (Taipei)
毫無隱藏事工 Nothing Hidden Ministry (美國雷汀伯特利教會 婚姻與關係事工)
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活動名稱 Event
夫妻之愛  Love After Marriage
活動日期 Date and Time
2022年9月7日至10日 9:00-21:00,共4天
7-10/Sep/2022 9am to 9pm, 4 days
主辦單位 Host
Nothing Hidden Ministry Taiwan, Every Nation Taipei
活動地點 Location
Every Nation Taipei (2F., No. 101, Sec. 3, Tingzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)
報名費用與資格 Application Fee and qualification
報名費用:每對夫妻6,500 NT(不含食宿)

Fee: 6500NT/couple
Qualification: Married couples
活動與講員介紹 Introduction


A Journey Into Deeper Spiritual Emotional & Sexual Oneness



Love After Marriage 4-Day

Our goal is to instruct and guide married couples into a relationship characterized by openness, vulnerability and love. During the Love After Marriage (LAM) Workshop, couples have an opportunity through the working of Holy Spirit, to learn and practice how to bring spiritual, emotional and sexual oneness into their relationship.

Spaces are limited!

Your participation in this workshop will provide:

Fresh teaching on the basic principles of spiritual, emotional and sexual oneness.
Tools to take your marriage to a higher level of intimacy, communication and enjoyment.
Opportunities to practice these tools in a small group setting.
Breakthrough for struggling marriages.
Keys to take even healthy marriages to a higher level.
Training and materials available to bring this life-changing ministry into your church.

繳費方式 Payment method

費用:6,500元 (一對夫妻)


Bank info:
Bank name: Fubon Bank 012
Account name: 社團法人臺灣毫無隱藏關係協會
Account number: 303120001216
Fee: 6500NT/couple

Please accomplish your payment within 7 days, email us the photo or screenshot picture of your transfer to with your name, transfer time, and the last 4 code of your bank account.
聯絡方式 Contact


Contact number:0902-189520

We highly recommend you to contact us via email, we will respond you ASAP.
退費規定 Refund policy


If ever due to covid-19 or other government policy that our in-person meeting is not allowed, we will transfer to online meeting. 

If the government's regulation still allow in person meeting, and you want to cancel your application and ask for refund, it will cost 300 NTD service fee (if you request for refund 30 days before the workshop starts), or 20% of your application fee as service fee (if you request for refund within 10 to 30 days before the workshop starts). We will no longer accept refund request within 10 days before the workshop starts.

If via typhoon, earthquake or other irresistible force that the event could not be continued as planned, the host will reserved the rights to adjust time, or cancel the event and return application fee to all applicants.
隱私及著作權 Privacy and Copyright

To protect every applicants' privacy and the course copyrights, photo and recording are not allowed without the  permission from the host, thank you for your cooperation.
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