Getting it Right for LGBT Teachers - Booking Form
Date/Time: Saturday 2-5pm, 9th April
Venue: LGBT Youth Scotland, Citadel House, 40 Commercial St, Edinburgh EH6 6JD

(Should numbers exceed expectations, the venue may be changed but we will keep you informed via the email address you submit below)
Cost: FREE

For further information contact:
Jules Stapleton Barnes, Community Development Worker, LGBT Health and Wellbeing
T: 0131 523 1104

'Getting it Right for LGBT Teachers' is a unique event in Edinburgh, for teachers nationally who identify as LGBTQI and will provide opportunities for conversations, support and sharing best practice.

Join LGBT Youth Scotland, LGBT Health and Wellbeing, General Teaching Council for Scotland, EIS, The Teacher's Union and SWAN.

In addition to providing LGBT teachers with a much needed safe space to share best practice, reflect and discuss their own experiences, we are hoping that the event will also act as a catalyst for the organisation of further peer support for teachers in future.

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Name: *
Email: *
How many people are you booking for? *
To help us prepare for the event, could you tell us a bit about what you hope to gain from it? *
In order to make the event as relevant as possible, please tell us about your teaching setting: *
What is the age of student you teach? *
Is there anything you would like us to know about your access needs before the event?:
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