Creating Change Funding Application Form

Through Columbia Queer Alliance and generous other funding support, including that from the Office of the University Chaplain, we are able to provide funding for a limited number of students to attend Creating Change in Denver, Colorado ( This application is need-blind, but funding will be provided on a sliding scale basis. Applications will be evaluated by staff in the Office of Multicultural Affairs. If selected, funding will support airfare, hotel, and registration fees for the conference.

Note: If you are a Barnard student, we request that you apply to the Barnard Student Life Leadership Development Grant first for support for this conference. In order to be considered for the Student Life Leadership Development Grant for Creating Change, please also apply by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH. The application for this funding can be found here:

Note: If you are applying for the Office of the University Chaplain funding, the specific additional questions below will be evaluated by the staff of the OUC.  If selected, funding will support conference fees and airfare.  Funding is available for up to four students. Students from University affiliates (Barnard College, Teacher's College, Union Theological Seminary, and Jewish Theological Seminary) are not eligible.

Any questions can be directed to Marta Esquilin at Any questions about the Office of University Chaplain portion of this application can be directed to Daniel Meyers at
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If you are a Barnard student, have you already applied to the Student Life Leadership Development Grant?
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Why would you like to attend Creating Change?
Please describe your involvement on campus in the past and how this conference would enhance   the roles you already have on campus.
How do you hope your experience at Creating Change will support you as a student at CU?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
These funds will be distributed on a need-blind basis to students. However, funding will be provided on a sliding scale basis. An inability to pay in no way affects the status of your application. Given that attendance of the conference (including airfare, hotel, and registration) costs over $600 per person, how much (if any) would you be able to contribute to the cost of your own attendance?
Note: Answers to this question will not affect your application in any way, as students will be ranked by merit of application first.
The University Chaplain's Office is providing funding for certain students to attend Creating Change. Would you like to be considered for this funding as well, considering the requirements stated below?
Requirements for Successful Grant Recipients  1) The successful grant recipient will fully attend the day-long institution on February 5, 2015 called Practice Spirit, Do Justice Day-Long Institute: Radical Connectedness, Liberating   Particularity.   2) The successful grant recipient will be required to write a 6-10 page reflection paper on their   experience of the conference, the above mentioned institute, and what new insights and   awareness the grant recipient gained from the conference.  3) The successful grant recipient will present on their experience at a community-wide event like   the Common Meal format, sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain.  4) The successful grant recipient will use the funds received for the particular costs specified for   the conference.  
For students interested in Chaplain Funds: Please attach a brief 1 page personal statement that provides information about how attending  this conference and the all-day institute “Practice Spirit, Do Justice Day-Long Institute: Radical   Connectedness, Liberating Particularity” would enhance your own spiritual formation and leadership   ability within the LGBTQ community.  What will you gain by attending these events?  What will you   hope to bring back to the Columbia University communities with your leadership after attending these   events?
For students interested in Chaplain Funds: By signing, you acknowledge that receiving the grant requires you to attend the all-day institute on   “Practice Spirit, Do Justice Day-Long Institute: Radical connectedness, Liberating Particularity,” requires   you to write a 6-10 page paper on your experience to be submitted to the OUC, and requires you to   share your experience at an OUC sponsored community event. Please sign your name here.
Your email and phone number provided in this application may be used to schedule a brief 20 minute interview with you and OUC staff.  An OUC staff member will reach out to schedule this short conversation with you, should you be considered for OUC funding.  The purpose of this interview is to make sure applicants understand the full commitment attached to the OUC grant opportunity.
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