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Moorestown Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Concerned Moorestown residents have volunteered to answer the needs of our community during the COVID-19 crisis.

If you need someone to help you get groceries or other essential items, we encourage you to fill out this form.  One of our volunteers will be in touch with you.

If you know of someone who needs help, but does not have computer access, please complete this for them.  We will be happy to call.

If you can volunteer to help out, please let us know what you can do.  We most need people who can shop for and drop off groceries, but as this program grows, we may additional kinds of help.
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Please describe the assistance you need or help you can give.  We are primarily coordinating volunteers to shop for food and other essentials and drop them off with Moorestown residents in need, but  if you need or can offer some other kind of assistance, we'll do our best to make sure we accommodate everyone..
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