End of Diabetes Quiz 6
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In addition to soluble and insoluble fibers, there is a carbohydrate that acts like a fiber, too, called ________________. *
Resistant starch is "resistant" to *
Check all that apply.
White flour elevates blood sugar almost as much as plain sugar does. *
When carbon molecules are bound together so tightly that your body cannot break them down, they are called ____________. *
When we consume calories without antioxidant and phytochemical micronutrients, ___________________ build up and create metabolic havoc in the cells. *
Resistant starch is a prebiotic. What is a prebiotic? *
The process of degrading resistant starches by bacterial action is called ______________. *
What type of beneficial fat is produced by fermentation? *
Which of the following is a SCFA with a wide range of health benefits? *
SCFAs increase the breakdown of body fat as a source of energy. *
How have red and black beans been found to protect against colon cancer? *
According to Fuhrman, what two foods are most closely linked with protection against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and dementia? *
How does Fuhrman suggest you deal with the "musical fruit" aspect of beans? *
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