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2019 Award Nominees
The sense of accomplishment and pride that you feel once you have conquered a goal is a beautiful and fulfilling reward and  Muslimahs Endure wants to celebrate with you. Each year we recognize our members and some of their wonderful accomplishments. To help identify a winner for 4 of our awards we need accurate input from you as one of our members.

Race Junkie - Giving to the ME member who participates in the most road races in the year
Mile Beast - Giving to the ME member who completes the most miles in the year
Member of the Year - Giving to the ME member who embodies ME mission and vision.
Stride Maker - Giving to the ME member who makes the biggest improvement in training in the year.

Please answer the question below to be considered for an award and either nominate yourself or someone for Member of the Year.

Deadline to nominate is November 30, 2019
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First Name
Last Name
Are you a paid ME Member?
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Which program did you participate
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My First
Please let us know if you completed your first race in 2019 and which distance.
Which distance did you complete for the first time this year
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Race Junkies
To be considered for the Race Junkie Award, please provide the number of races that you completed over the past year. Also, provide the name of those races.
How many races did you complete in 2019?
List the names of all races completed in 2019?
Mile Beast
For the Mile Beast award please provide the total miles you walked/ran over the past year. You must be able to provide proof of your mileage. Once you answer the below question and provide a tracking system used by ME, we will verify your information. If you do not use one of the below tracking system, please email proof to info@muslimahsendure.comm
How many miles did you run/walk this past year?
Which tracking system did you use?
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If selected other please email proof of mileage tracked to
Stride Maker
For our stride maker award, please provide two times below: One time should be your slowest time of the year and the other time should be the fastest of the year. The time submitted should be from the races of the same distance for the current year. Provide the names of the races for each time.
Race Distance
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Slowest Time
Race Name
Fastest Time
Race Name
Member of the Year
For Member of the Year we are asking for nominees. You can nominate yourself or someone else. The member of the year is someone who embodies the mission and vision of ME. Our mission is to promote holistic health, fitness and modesty through endurance sports. And our vision to create spaces for Muslimahs to feel comfortable engaging in physical activities by establishing meaningful partnerships with like-minded individuals, business, and organizations.

Full Name (First Name and Last Name)
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