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The Letting Love In Quiz! 
The more honest you are with your true self the more breakthrough there is available to you!
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Question 1: On a typical day, how often do you take a moment for prayer or meditation to connect with God's love? (1-10)

(1 = Rarely or never, 10 = Several times a day)

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Question 2: How do you feel when you reflect on God's love for you? (1-10)

(1 = Disconnected and unloved, 10 = Deeply loved and cherished)

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Question 3: When facing challenges, how likely are you to turn to your faith for guidance and strength? (1-10)

(1 = Rarely, I prefer to handle challenges on my own, 10 = Always, it's my first source of support)

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Question 4: How would you describe your self-talk and inner dialogue? (1-10)

(1 = Mostly negative and self-critical, 10 = Positive, affirming, and self-compassionate)

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Question 5: Do you practice self-compassion in your daily routine? (1-10)

(1 = I rarely engage in self-compassion practices, 10 = Yes, I make self-compassion a priority)

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Question 6: How do you handle mistakes and setbacks in your life? (1-10)

(1 = I view mistakes more as personal failures, 10 = I see them more as opportunities for growth and learning)

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50-60 points: You have a strong connection with God's love and practice self-love regularly. Keep nurturing these aspects of your life. 

40-49 points: Your connection with God's love and self-love is moderate. Consider exploring ways to strengthen these connections further. 

(Consider Crushing your Inner Critic)

30-39 points: You may have room for growth in connecting with God's love and practicing self-love. Seek support and resources to enhance these areas. 

(Consider Crushing your Inner Critic)

29 points or below: Connecting with God's love and self-love may be challenging for you. Consider seeking guidance, support, and self-love practices to improve these aspects of your life.

(Consider Crushing your Inner Critic)

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