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Misconduct in Film & TV (Anonymous Survey)
A way forward? Transforming institutional cultures with restorative practices one individual at a time.

We are The WayFinders Group, a multi-disciplinary, values-driven change management consultancy focused on empowering leaders and organisations to navigate future challenges. We are independent and neutral advisors who aim to create transformed, reconciled people and organisations through effective problem-solving. 

It is our belief that institutional leaders need to adopt and integrate processes that recognise and seek to address the harm suffered in misconduct scenarios (including complaints, disciplinary and grievance processes, and investigations), so often unearthed through media pressure.

Our forte is in piloting new ideas and using joined up thinking to solve problems when it comes to relationships in the workplace. We offer a versatile way of working within organisations and communities to improve relationships, resolve conflicts and repair harm. Through co-developed restorative circles and facilitated dialogue sessions delivered by independent accredited practitioners, we embed learnings, challenge assumptions, and transform outcomes. As organisations interact with our restorative services first at leadership level and then throughout the enterprise, we help you create high-performing organisations that thrive on collaboration, promote accountability, drive innovation, and maximise effectiveness from the top down. 

The problem is that leaders aren't listening, so we are conducting this anonymous survey to raise awareness that restorative practices could be transformative for survivors of misconduct and pivotal in achieving much sought-after cultural change. 

More information about us is available at If you would like to reach out for a confidential conversation, please contact us at 

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Have you been a victim of misconduct in Film & TV in the last 5 years? (since 2019)
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Does the misconduct relate to individuals employed by any of the following institutions?
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What type of misconduct did you experience?
Was the misconduct a one-off or continuing over a period of time?
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Did you have the opportunity to report that misconduct to relevant individuals at the institution at the time or at any time after the fact?
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Did you suffer harm as a result of the misconduct?
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If you suffered harm, what impact did this incident have on you?
What was the hardest thing about your experience?
Is there anything that could be done right now that would help you meet your needs?
If you could have a facilitated conversation with the person who caused you harm, would you do so?
Have you ever attended a restorative conference before?
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What would you like to see the other person do to repair the harm they have caused you?
Is there anything else you would like to share?
If you are willing to be contacted in relation to this survey, please leave your contact details below. 
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