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Join us to celebrate National Chemistry Week! 

Join us to celebrate National Chemistry Week!

Festival de Química

Friday, October 21, 2022

8:30-11:30 AM

Convention District, San Juan, PR

The Festival de Química is a community outreach event joining the efforts of hundreds of volunteers that, through demonstrations, emphasize the importance of chemistry in daily life.

We will welcome 500 students in this event. Different stations will be set and staffed by volunteers, each station present a different demonstration, related to the yearly theme of NCW: Fabulous Fibers! as well as different areas of chemistry and its relevance to daily life. These demonstrations do not involve the use of any hazardous substance only household materials are used. It is through these simple demonstrations that we carry the message of the importance of chemistry in everyday life. This activity are designed for the general public, especially for children to promote the public’s understanding of chemistry in the local communities and communicate the value and impact of chemistry in their lives.

We are seeking volunteers to work in different tasks as:

  • Assembly of the activity (The assembly of the festival will begin at 6:00 am)
  • Preparation of bags to distribute to the participants
  • Registration
  • Evaluation
  • Ushers to the different groups of schools
  • Organization of snacks
  • Cleaning after the event

If you want to work as a volunteer on the event please fill the following information:

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