Clean communities are happier places to live, work, and visit. Downtown Hershey Association in collaboration with Derry Township are teaming up to clean up! If you or your organization would like to get involved, please complete the following information.
Check in will be at the ChocolateTown Park located adjacent to the Hershey Fire Department beginning at 7:30am on the day of the event. All registered participants are encouraged to sign-in so that we can have an accounting of participation. We will have trash bags, gloves, safety tips, and more detailed information for the team leader.
Individuals are encouraged to bring water for their group or ask them to bring for themselves.
If you are a youth organization, you must have adult supervision for the entire time you will be participating.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Thank you for helping to make Derry Township a clean community,
Downtown Hershey Association and Derry Township