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Corporate Wellness Program
Offering your employees a chance to be healthy, have a fun together, team building all while helping our community!
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Our Corporate Wellness program offers bulk race purchases. We will give our "EARLY BIRD" pricing which is $10-$15 dollars off the full price. This is the BEST deal we offer and hope that this will encourage your employees and employer to get involved. WHY Racing has 14 events to choose from all year long! If your employees aren't problem! All our events have a virtual option.  PLEASE CHOOSE the Race(s) and then Choose the LEVEL Your company wants. *
Entry Level - 10% discount + Expo Booth + Swag bag insert or item  PLEASE CHOOSE
BRONZE LEVEL - Early Bird pricing + Logo on the Wellness page + Expo Booth + swag bag insert + logo & link on event web page + public acknowledgement at event + mention in email   PLEASE CHOOSE
SILVER LEVEL - Early Bird pricing + Logo on Wellness page + Expo Booth + swag bag insert + logo & link on event web page + public acknowledgement + email mention + Name and Logo on event t-shirts + logo on event materials + dedicated social media post        PLEASE CHOOSE            
GOLD LEVEL - Early Bird pricing + Logo on Wellness page + expo booth + swag bag insert + logo & link on event web page + public acknowledgement + email mention + name and logo on event t-shirts + Logo on event materials + dedicated social media post + email blast to athletes + logo inclusion in event video + opportunity to speak during awards   PLEASE CHOOSE
Company Name *
Phone Number *
Once you've made your choices, we will create a corporate team with your discounted price for your employees.  You can chose to pay a portion of their registration or their entire discounted rate.  Once set up, each employee will have a password they can use for their free/reduced registration.  After the race we will tally the cost using the EARLY BIRD pricing and will send an invoice to the above email address.  Please email your logo to  (no answer required)
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