Free 30 Day Challenge Form
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What is your fitness level? *
What do you struggle with? *
Why would you like to be part of this free 30 day challenge? *
How much weight would you like to lose? *
What kept you from losing weight in the past? *
Imagine what it would feel like to be at your goal weight. What does your life look like, how would it be different? *
I will go out of my way to help motivate you to lose weight & get healthy. What does that mean for you? What would I need to do to show my support to you for you to succeed? *
Have you tasted Shakeology before? *
Have you tried an in-home workout DVD before? If so, which one and what did you think of it? *
What is your occupation? What are your hours like? What does your free time look like? *
What best describes what motivates you? *
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