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"How To" Video Idea submission
Do you have an idea for a 5 minute "How To" to share with our community? Please submit your idea here before making the video.
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Email *
Name *
List the business or social media handle you have and would like associated with this "How To" video
What is your "How To" idea? *
Are you willing to create the video? *
Can this "How To" be explained in a 5 minute or less video? *
If you answered no above, why not and why do you still want to submit this idea?
Does this "How To" video require a paid service? *
If you answered yes above please list paid service.
The best way to contact you is..... *
By submitting this form, I herby understand that Family Connections Experiment LLC has the right to publish, distribute, copy, transfer or otherwise use any material submitted herein. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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