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World Water Day Event Registration

Celebrate SDG6 and World Water Day at the University of Toronto with the screening of the Water Speaks documentary Water Be Dammed, and participate in co-creating regenerative sustainability through the lens of water archetypes. Tea, coffee, and  pastries will be served, plus time for networking! There will also be raffle draws for art work by a local artist, gift card, and locally made chocolates.  

Date: Friday, March 22, 2024

Venue: SS1083, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G3

Time: 3:00 pm to 5.30 pm

Hosted by: Water Speaks, Department of Geography & Planning, School of the Environment, and the U of T President’s Advisory Committee on the Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability (CECCS) 


  • 3.05 pm: Welcome and land acknowledgement.
  • 3.20 pm: Screening of the documentary, Water Be Dammed.
  • 3.55 pm: Q&A about the documentary.
  • 4.15 pm: Workshop: Co-creating Regenerative SDG6 through Water Archetypes
  • 4.50 pm: Thank you, Raffle, and closing ceremony.
  • 5.00 pm: Refreshments and networking.

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