Education is an a great equalizer. Many of us have a sense of nostalgia when reflecting on our primary school days. There are those of us who want to connect with our primary school but have been unable to do so, until now. My Primary School Alumni-Konnect seeks to reconnect you to your primary school.  Through Alumni-Konnect, you will be able to contribute to the primary schools, provide mentorship and keep updated with news and development about the school, the teachers,parents and the community. You, as the alumni of the school, will be able to offer help where required, play an active part in the school's development and also serve as an inspiration to the students. The project is the brainchild of a group of journalists, designers and developers who have come together to provide a unique opportunity for you to connect with your school.Please complete the form below and help start building the connections.
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Please provide your first name & surname
Please provide your primary email address.
Phone Number *
Please provide your primary mobile phone number
Alumni *
Which primary school(s) did you go to?
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Something unique (interesting) that you would like to share about your primary school?
Name, address and contact details of the primary school
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