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Physician Medicare Survey 

You are invited to complete this survey regarding your experiences providing health care to Medicare and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. This survey will help to identify the key problems that both doctors and patients deal with in the Medicare Advantage program. Our goal is to protect and improve Medicare, and advocate for the best possible health care system.

PNHP surveys are confidential, and we will not sell or share your personal information. All data will be anonymized when used for any public-facing materials such as reports or data analyses.

Please contact with questions, concerns, or ideas.

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First Name  *
Last Name  *
Email *
Phone number with area code (please indicate landline or cell phone)
State  *
Zip Code  *
1. Have insurance companies made it difficult for you to care for your Medicare Advantage patients? *
2. Have you experienced any of these problems while caring for a patient with Medicare Advantage insurance (check all that apply) *
3. Which of the following factors in Medicare Advantage do you believe is the greatest barrier to caring for your patients?
4. Can you share a concrete example from your practice of a time when Medicare Advantage failed, hindered your work, or led to worse outcomes for your patients?

5. Approximately how many hours a week do you and/or your support staff have to spend on nonclinical issues related to billing, diagnostic coding, arguing with insurance, etc.?

6. A single-payer national health program (aka “Improved Medicare for All”) would have one set of formulary, referral, and pre-authorization rules for all of your patients. How much would this improve your daily practice?
7. If you anticipate improvements in your daily practice under single payer—what would those look like, specifically?
8.  Are you aware of the fraud charges against multiple Medicare Advantage insurance corporations? *

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At Physicians for a National Health Program, we believe that policy and advocacy works best in tandem. We believe that a universal, comprehensive single-payer national health program is the solution for our fragmented health care system, and are working together to envision and create such a system. Together, we are unstoppable.

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