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2021-22 School Plan Community Review & Feedback Form
Thank you for your interest and input into the School Improvement Plans for the 2021-2022 School Year. As a valued member of our school community we welcome your feedback.

Note: This feedback form will remain open until June 30, 2021, after which time the school planning teams will review all feedback for consideration into the final plan.
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Please indicate your role within the School District (check all that apply) *
Please type the full name of the school you are reviewing. *You can only review one school per form, but you can submit multiple forms. *
What changes, if any, are needed to the "Planning Team" section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
What changes, if any, are needed in the “School Vision" section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 1", Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 1", Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 2", Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 2", Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 3", Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 3", Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 4" (if applicable), Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 4" (if applicable), Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 5" (if applicable), Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 5" (if applicable), Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 6" (if applicable), Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 6" (if applicable), what changes, if any, are needed with the Action Steps, including the Timeline and Resources Needed? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 7" (if applicable), Outputs and Monitoring: What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
For "Evidence Based Strategy 7" (if applicable), Action Steps (including Timeline and Resources): What changes, if any, are needed with this section? How will this change improve the plan and help drive school improvement?
What other feedback would you like to share with the school planning team?
May we follow up if we have questions about your response? If so, please share your contact information here. (optional)
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