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Foster Home Application and Agreement
Application for being a FOSTER home to cat/kittens/dog/puppy in Richmond, VA. Thank you for wanting to be a volunteer foster! A home visit is required and all residents of the home must be present during visit.
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Email *
Date of application *
Full names of applicants and ages of each  *
CELL phone numbers and WORK phone numbers for each applicant *
Full address of potential foster home *
Facebook or Instagram profile names/accounts of all applicants
Do you own or rent your home? *
If you rent, does your lease allow another pet?  *
Number of cats and their ages, currently in home? *
Number of dogs and their breed and ages, currently in home? *
Do you live on a busy street?  *
Name & clinic of your current Veterinarian *
Do you give us permission to contact your Veterinarian for a reference? *
Are your current pets spayed and neutered? *
Do your current pets have any major illnesses? *
Are your current pets up to date on 'core' vaccinations? *
Are all members of your family agreeable to fostering a cat/kitten or dog/puppy? *
Who will be the primary caregiver for oversight, feeding, cleaning, and/or any medicating? *
Please explain primary caregiver(s) work schedule *
Number of children in home and ages *
What is the energy level of your home activity? *
Where will the primary area in your home be for keeping/housing the foster cat or dog? *
Do you agree to house foster animal in a safe, sanitary environment and keep free from any harm at all times? 

Do you have foster supplies on hand (bedding, litter box, litter, puppy pen, food)? 


Are you able to help transport the foster animal to any possible events and/or medical appointments?

What is the longest time period the foster animal would be alone? *

If you are applying to foster a dog, do you have a fenced yard? Describe the height and nature of your fence in all areas of your yard (please note that a video may be required with application submission).

Do you agree to ONLY allow the foster cat to be indoors and to not have access to any outdoor area?  *
Does any member of your household have allergies to animals? *
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