SPOKES II @ McGill University - Feb. 26th.2014
Thank you for your interest!

This semester, SSMU EnviroComm is bringing together some of the wonderful sustainability groups on campus to share their knowledge and skills with us all, as well as get you engaged in brainstorming and creating solutions! This conference is open to anyone who would like to attend, and you can choose which sessions you'd like to go to.  

We will also have groups tabling at our Sustainability Fair throughout the day (contact environment.ssmu@gmail.com if you'd like to sign up for a table), so that you can learn about the great initiatives happening on campus.

Please also take a few minutes to fill out the SSMU Sustainability Survey to share your thoughts on sustainability at SSMU if you haven't already! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XxwBDPA9kqiEuMGVdrRW915Cdkc-TRu6yPTpAHu1xqo/viewform 
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Year of Studies:
Contact Email: *
If you are affiliated with any green groups on campus, please list:
Which sessions do you plan to attend? *
Please check all that apply
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