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British Columbia is experiencing an early and active start to the wildfire season, so it’s more important than ever for communities and individuals to do their part to help protect homes, resources and infrastructure from wildfire threats.
May 7, 2022 is the 7th annual Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, which is an ideal opportunity for communities throughout B.C. to learn more about preventing fires and reducing wildfire risks.
On Saturday May 7th   from 10am-2pm, citizens of Hudson’s Hope are invited to attend a FireSmart Community Cleanup Event.  Come and join the Hudson's Hope Fire Department and FireSmart Team in a WILDFIRE RISK REDUCTION EXERCISE on the property at the foot of Peck St.  

Throughout the day we will be demonstrating FireSmart techniques and mitigation strategies that dramatically improve wildfire resiliency.
Our theme this year is “PPE”, which stands for Personal Protective Equipment, a great reminder of the importance of personal safety when working with tools and machines.
PPE also stands for PIZZA, POP & ECLAIRS, which we will be serving to the participants of the event.  
This is a FAMILY-FRIENDLY EVENT, and children are welcome.
Also, there will be PRIZES!!!!  (more info to follow!)

Call or E-Mail Brad Milton,
Director OF Protective Services.
250-783-9901 or
 (more info to follow!)
There will be FREE FIREWOOD and WOODCHIPS available following the event while supplies last.  

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