The Eighth South School on Internet Governance SSIG 2016 will be held in the OAS venue in Washington DC, USA, March 29 to April 1st, 2016.

The Eighth South School on Internet Governance (2016 SSIG) will take place from March 29 to April 1, 2016, at OAS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., USA.

With this form you can apply for a fellowship to participate in the next edition of the South School on Internet Governance.

The General Secretariat of the OAS and CCAT-LAT are pleased to offer two types of fellowships:

1. Fellowships that include registration, lodging and partial meals. Beneficiaries of these grants will be responsible for covering the costs of air travel and other incidental expenses.
2. Fellowships that include only registration and participation in this activity. Beneficiaries of this grant will be responsible for covering the costs of air transportation, lodging and other incidental expenses.

Those interested in receiving a fellowship must fill in all required spaces of this form.

Candidates will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Geographic diversity
- Gender diversity
- Background diversity
- Stakeholder diversity

Selected candidates will be notified beginning on January 15, 2016.

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Name(s) *
Last Name(s) *
Gender *
Birth date (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Email address *
Alternate email address *
Telephone including internacional and nacional codes *
including internacional and nacional codes
Alternate telephone, including internacional and nacional codes *
including internacional and nacional codes
Full postal address *
Facebook's account
 Twitter's user
Linkedin's account
Country of residence: *
Passport issue date *
Passport expiration date *
Present job *
Role in present job *
Telephone number *
Please insert code of area and country
Full Postal address *
Explain briefly which are your main responsibilities *
Why is the SSIG of your interest?* *
Previous professional experience *
Detail your studies *
First referent *
Full information: postal address, email and telephone
Second referent *
Full information: postal address, email and telephone.
¿Which stakeholder repesents you better? *
Please, Answer the next questions
¿Which stakeholder repesents you better? *
¿Are you activlely engaged in Internet Governance debate spaces like ITU, ICANN, IETF, IGF, ISOC o or others? *
If the answer is yes please briefly describe your role.
Terms and conditions *
if awarded with a fellowship I will receive a Memorandum of Understanding that must be signed and sent by email and by regular email
I understand that I must get all my visas and permits to attend SSIG 2016 *
I understand that it is my responsibility to get a travel insurance to attend SSIG 2016. *
I understand that if I receive the SSIG 2016 fellowship I must pay transportation to Washington DC (if needed), taxis or any other transportation to get to the SSIG 2016 venue. *
I understand that if I receive the SSIG 2016 fellowship I must pay transportation to Washington DC (if needed), taxis or any other transportation to get to the SSIG 2016 venue. *
In understand that I must have all my working permits and health authorizations (if needed) to travel to attend SSIG 2016. *
In relation with activities during the SSIG 2016: I understand that I must attend all the academic and social activities organized during the days of the SSIG 2016 and once finished I must provide a report and feedback as it will be indicated by the SSIG 2016 organizers. *
No imcomplete applications will be recieved, all must be done through this form *
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