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Tantric session for couples with Agni Chandra
I’m really looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you in creating a relationship you desire. Here are some questions that will help me get to know you better so that we can fully dive right in our session.

The process begins NOW. Here is an opportunity in this very moment for you both to come together, to drop into your hearts and your bellies and fill this form together from a mindful place of reflection. This form is as much for you both as it is for me. Time to get really real and give yourself the gift of this moment to tap into your authenticity, your voice and what you really want. The form should take around 10-15 minutes to fill. Enjoy!
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Email *
What are your names? *
Which country are you coming from?
What is your telephone number? (Can be just one number that I can contact in case of emergency)
How old are you? *
How long are you together? *
What's going on in your life that brings you here?
What is your need/ desire/ intention for our session?
How would you describe your spiritual path? Did you take part in any transformative bodywork, therapy, workshops, ceremonies that you find significant for your personal development up to this point?

Why are you together? What is the purpose of you relationship? *
Did you have any tantric experience before? If 'yes' please share about it briefly.
What advice would you give me to feel supported during our meeting? *
Is there anything else you think is significant for me to know about you?
Which session are you interested in? (Please read about the details of each one here
If you've chosen Tantric Mentoring or Energetic Love Making please share how long would you like the session to be? Min is 2h and max is 3h.
Sessions are happening always at 12:30 or 17:00 Mon - Fri. Please propose a few dates you are available to come in one of those times given. Notice that sometimes you need to wait even 2 weeks for a free spot. However, sometimes it happens that I have short notice openings.
Do you commit to come ON TIME, after taking a shower in case of a whole body massage, not being hungry or too full and avoid alcohol the day before?
Do you commit to prepay 50% of the value of your session via PayPal or to my bank account, after receiving email with confirmation about the date you've chosen, to finally secure your spot? The rest can be payed in cash at the venue or on my PayPal/ bank account on the day on the session.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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