Working as a Collaborative Team: The Stevenson PLC Model
Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey and join us at the ILMEA State Conference on Thursday, January 23 at 3:00 p.m. in room CC-134,

We are gathering information on how Illinois schools structure their collaborative PLC meetings as well as the benefits, challenges, and questions music educators face while working in a PLC.

We will share the data we collect while using your questions to guide our session on PLC's at Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

Thank you!


The Stevenson High School Music Team

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1. Does your school and or district currently operate in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) structure? *
2. What best describes the make-up of your collaborative music team? *
3. How long is a typical collaborative PLC meeting? *
4. How often does your collaborative music team meet? *
5. What grade levels do the members on your team teach? *
6. What are three questions you would like to be addressed at our PLC session? *
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