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St. Francis Choir Registration
The St. Francis Choir is Christ Church Cranbrook's choir for children ages 4-7.  It's Directed by Diana Turner with Betsy LaVela assisting. 

The St. Francis Choir meets most Sundays following the 10:00 service from 11:30 - 12:15.  About 6 times a year, the St. Francis Choir sings during the Sunday 10:00 service with a warm up beforehand.  On performance Sundays, there's no 11:30 rehearsal.  All families receive a schedule with rehearsal and service dates.

This is a wonderful opportunity for any young person!  Children benefit from not only a high level of instruction, they grow in self-confidence, deepen their faith, form friendships, and have a lot of fun.
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Email *
Child's Name *
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) *
Address *
Preferred Phone Number *
Child's Birthday *
Does your child have any food allergies? *
The St. Francis Choir sings for the Sunday 10:00 service, which is live webcast online.  Additionally, photos are sometimes taken for promo purposes.  Do you consent to have your child appear on the church's webcast, website, and social media? *
We keep a list of families and children in the St. Francis Choir, and will share this with other choir families to enable contact and community-building (such as arranging play dates or birthday parties with other choir children).  Do you consent to having your address, email, and phone shared with other choir families? *
Does your child have any favorite church songs or other music you'd like to share with us?
Any other questions or comments for us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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