Chess in the Parks - Organizing Checklist
Chess in the Parks is a project of Learners Chess. Our goal is to make chess accessible and fun to learn while building community.
We are open to bringing our chess equipment, coaches, and volunteers to any park with shade on a nice day anywhere around Central New Mexico or possibly beyond.
Ideally, our events will coincide with already existing neighborhood events like block parties or music/food trucks in the park.
We can also work with neighborhood volunteers to spearhead organizing events like these.
Here is a list of things we need to make a successful event:
- Work with Learners Chess staff to identify a date, time, and place for the event to take place.
- Contact the City of ABQ or other municipality about getting any needed permits for an event at (505) 768-5353 or at 311 (Learners Chess does have event insurance if needed).
- Recruit two or more food trucks to attend. You can do a quick internet search to find some and if the ones you contact can’t do it, they can usually recommend another.
- It’s not required to find musicians, but if you know of someone or you are open to others recommending someone, music can make events like this fun and entertaining.
Spreading the Word:
- We will help get the word out on our email list and website. But you can also contact your neighborhood association and surrounding ones to help advertise the event. You can also make a facebook event and/or an event on the nextdoor.com platform.
- Sometimes your local elected officials can help get the word out if you invite them to come and/or “co/sponsor” the event and they will post about it on their social media.
- It is a good idea to give ourselves at least three weeks to advertise each event.
Text Victor at 505-369-6026 for advice and help as you are setting up this event.
Thank you for helping us build community and spread the fun and appreciation for the game of chess!