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October 10, 2023

U.S Environmental Protection Agency

Office of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20460

RE: EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All grant application submitted by the South Carolina Office of Resilience

This letter serves as the South Carolina Sierra Club’s commitment to support the South Carolina Office of Resilience (SCOR) Solar for All program as part of the EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All grant application.

South Carolina Solar For All is being designed as a statewide effort and seeks to give unprecedented access to clean energy to low-income and disadvantaged households and communities that typically have not had access to these programs. Overall, a South Carolina Solar for All program aims to expand investment in and access to residential distributed solar energy projects, help reduce energy bills, enhance community resilience, and provide workforce development and training opportunities.

1) Community Engagement and Outreach: The Sierra Club excels in reaching out to communities, particularly those that have been historically underserved or disadvantaged. Through grassroots initiatives and partnerships, we aim to ensure that all communities have equal access to clean energy resources.

2) Emissions Reduction: The Sierra Club recognizes the importance of reducing both indoor and outdoor emissions. We work towards promoting solar energy as a sustainable and emission-free alternative to fossil fuels, contributing to cleaner air, and better overall environmental health.

3) Renewable Energy Deployment: The Sierra Club strongly advocates for the accelerated deployment and integration of renewable energy sources, with a particular focus on solar energy. We support the widespread adoption of solar technologies to address climate change and achieve a sustainable energy future.

4) Energy Cost Burden Reduction: The Sierra Club acknowledges the financial challenges faced by low-income households in meeting their energy needs. We strive to address this issue by promoting programs like Solar for All, which aim to reduce energy costs and alleviate the burden on disadvantaged communities.

5) Energy Resilience and Housing: The Sierra Club recognizes the importance of resilience in the face of climate change and natural disasters. We advocate for solar energy as a way to enhance community resilience and promote the use of solar-powered homes and buildings.

6) Solar Workforce Development and Training: The Sierra Club emphasizes the importance of fostering a skilled solar workforce. We support local training programs and initiatives that provide job opportunities and empower individuals to participate in the growing solar industry in the state.

7) Solar-Related Economic Benefits and Environmental Justice Initiatives: The Sierra Club recognizes the significant economic benefits tied to solar energy, including job creation, local investment, tax incentives for local governments, and reduced energy costs. We actively pursue initiatives that promote environmental justice, ensuring that historically marginalized communities have access to these economic benefits.

A South Carolina Solar for All program should help address numerous community needs and present opportunities for progress, such as:

- Providing affordable and clean energy options to low-income and disadvantaged households.

- Reducing energy costs for vulnerable communities, freeing up resources for other essential needs.

- Creating job opportunities and workforce development in the solar industry, benefiting local economies.

- Improving air quality and public health outcomes by reducing reliance on fossil fuels in historically burdened communities.

- Promoting community resilience and preparedness through the deployment of solar energy systems.

- Empowering historically disadvantaged communities by involving them actively in the state’s renewable energy transition.

The Sierra Club strongly supports the South Carolina Solar for All program in its goal to address these community needs and provide opportunities for equitable renewable energy access and development.

The South Carolina Sierra Club strongly and enthusiastically supports SCOR’s application to develop a South Carolina Solar for All program and will engage with the program through the planning and implementation periods. We look forward to helping SCOR develop a program that maximizes benefits to our local communities and supports distributed solar generation and energy investments across South Carolina.


Ben Mack

South Carolina Sierra Club Chapter Chair 
