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Persuaded Shifter Part II
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“That’s really cool!

I’m a power holder too; I can control minds, and make people do and believe whatever I want. Don’t worry about it though, we’re friends so I’ll never do that stuff to you…” Albert trails off with a smile, alleviating all worry as you thank your friend.

Would you mind getting into a pink catsuit for me? It would just make my day!” Albert smiles, “And you love to please me, right?”

Suddenly you feel a smile crawl across your own face, and you agree with Albert happily. Anything to please him, so a wardrobe change it is! You don’t mind putting on a tight leather catsuit, you would put on anything to see Albert smile.

And you know what would make him even happier??

“Does daddy want me to talk dirty? And squeeze my boobies like a little slut…” You trail off lustfully, holding your arms like a dainty princess as Albert laughs.  

Before your lust can build, it’s suddenly overwhelmed by shame.

You’re a straight man, what are you doing??

Making Albert happy…


“Ehrmmm…” You hold your head as it starts to spin, but Albert quickly interjects.

“Nobody’s judging you, you’re really horny so give in to the feeling. Make your body tighter, and more sensitive; get in a little bikini, and forget everything from before… Now!” Albert snaps, laughing as he acts like a hypnotist with a slutty participant.

“You can’t make… me…

Wait, what was I just saying?

Where am I?

What am I… doing?” You trail off, legs spread as you lay back on a couch.

You’re in a totally unfamiliar place, but there’s only one thing your mind can focus on; the pulsating heat in your womanhood. You don’t recognize the man smiling beside you, but you feel your face contour into a seductive gesture of want. You can’t stop yourself, lips speaking without you saying a word as you pull at the thin waistband of your thong.

“Help me…  Just… Get that cock in me!” You moan, not attracted to the man before you but desperate for relief.

“Oh shit, I didn’t change your sexuality at all.

You’re not interested in a little foreplay with me?” The man asks, smirking as his large bulge throbs.  

“I don’t- I don’t know…

I’m so confused…” You murmur, soft skin tingling as your legs strain with desire.

“You know what, that was a bit rude of me…

Remember everything from your life up until last night, and get dressed on all fours for me.” Albert instructs, controlling your toned body as your mind is forced into standby mode by the rushing of memories coming back to you.  

Drool dribbles down your chin as your mind settles, tight pants and a cute crop top wrapping themselves around your body as you frantically look around the alien room.

“What’s happening??” You demand, frightened by your high pitched voice as you realize you’re on your hands and knees.

“Relax, honey!

Don't worry about how we got here, just look in that mirror for me…” Albert says flatly, and you feel your neck turn automatically as fear leaves you, “Now tell me what you see.”

“I see a woman with moving lips, which I think is me…”

“Now imagine that woman’s ass was a balloon, like two basketballs bolted on to the back of her waist.” Albert demands with a laugh, “And put a smile on for me, I don’t like that frown!”

You feel your confused grimace turn into a happy smile, triggering light amounts of happiness to flow through your mind even as you fear for your life. Then everything goes dark as you close your eyes, and suddenly an exact copy of the girl from the mirror pops into your head. You feel a bit aroused as her ass inflates, waist staying petite and tiny as the light curves turn drastically juicy.

“Why do I feel… Hngh- Oh fuck!!” You moan, smile glued to your cheeks as your back rises up.

And then your spine suddenly inverts, arching deeply as you feel jellowy mass spill out behind you. Your pants barely survive, stretched to capacity as a bubble butt bounces behind you.

“Love it!” Albert laughs, “But I could’ve sworn you had bigger boobs before…”

“Before??” You squeak, blushing as your ass jiggles with each syllable.


Tell me, what’s your opinion on thick girls?” Albert asks, eyes locked on your plump lower half as you squirm.

“I’m not really so into bigger girls, I prefer petite girls like my girlfriend…” You reply against your will, unable to stop a word as your innermost preferences are revealed.

“Then you’ll always believe yourself to be petite, the perfect body in your own mind. Never wanting to be any bigger than your ex girlfriend, a woman you don’t even know anymore- just the avatar of your new self, a filter you will never be able to see past…

What do you think of that?” Albert asks, filling your heart with dread as you remain on all fours.

“No! Don’t warp my mind like that, I wanna know what I look like!! And why did you say ex girlfriend? My girlfriend… What’s her name again…

Stop this, please!!”

“Don’t worry, I was joking…” Albert chuckles and immediately stops your worries, “But imagine if your hips were twice the width, with juicy thighs and giant boobs; your every movement dictated by the position of your curves…

Would you like that?”

You can’t stop yourself from closing your eyes, and picturing your current petite body morphing to Albert’s specifications. You feel breasts inflate in your arms, spreading hips forced to bend over as you feel the brimming bubble of your butt reach far out. Your legs squat as your thighs swell, and you feel a new air of lustful grace take over your body language as a sexy band wraps around your pudgy stomach.


You need to stay little, you won’t be pretty otherwise!

Your eyes pop open, weight the only concern in your mind. You rush to the mirror and let out a relieved sigh, seeing the thin girl you recognize as yourself looking into the mirror with terror.

“Oh, I’m still…

I thought this would be a different color!” You laugh, fixing your hair as you look in the mirror.

All you see is a hundred pound blonde, a pleasant surprise that eases your fast heartbeat as you hum a pleasant tune.

What you don’t see or feel is the hundreds of extra pounds of fat, bouncing and jiggling as you daintily spin around.

Thought these would be much bigger!” You laugh, holding large breasts that feel like nothing in your hand.

You feel a bit odd, body moving slower than usual as you spin in the mirror. It’s weird to have your friend looking at you so hungrily, but it does turn you on a bit to feel so desired.

“You love this…

Don’t you?” He chuckles deviously, instantly flooding your mind with joyous hormones as you pose for him.

“Now that you mention it, having you gawk at me is pretty fun!” You giggle ditzily, losing yourself for a moment as you let your body bounce for Albert.

He asked you to change back to your old self after that, but you decline. His past command made you like the petite blonde you think you are, and you want nothing more than to stay this way.

“That’s fine...” You remember Albert musing, “But what of your life as a straight man? Don’t tell me- You want to move in as my girlfriend, and basically entertain me with your powers. Is that it?”

Albert didn’t ask about you being his girlfriend, that was a command.

Not that it matters, why wouldn’t you be dating such a sweet and handsome guy??

He treats you like a best friend, and that’s almost what you feel like. That is, till he gets you in the bedroom.

You didn’t always like men, but one day…

“Where’d my bed go?” You asked Albert on that fateful evening, “Why is my room an office now?? Where do I sleep?”

“It’s kinda weird that we’ve been dating for all this time, but never slept together. No?”

“Yes, it’s odd, but you know I’m not attracted to men!” You answer, not really thinking about the concepts as you discuss them.

“You’re not attracted to me?

But you’re always flirting with me, and giving me those puppy eyes with the pursed lips…” Albert trails off, smiling as your lips purse and eyes glaze over with desire.

“Huh? When do I- You’re such a dummy, I would never flirt with you!” You giggle, blushing before suddenly realizing you were just flirting!

“And you’re always fluttering your eyelashes, and stroking your hair- Why do you think we’re dating??” Albert laughs, wrapping an arm around your hips as you stammer and run a finger though your hair like a flustered schoolgirl.

From then on, you slept with Albert every night. Well, sleep is a pretty broad term, but it definitely happens every night. And slowly you stopped thinking of yourself as a man shifted into a woman, being a friend of Albert’s is an identity in itself. He keeps you busy and nourished throughout the day, occupying your every second with wonderful amusement and sexual fulfillment that you could never even dream of.

Today he has you living out your fantasy, modeling bikinis for a professional photographer. You just wished you’d discussed it with Albert before today, cuz he really thrust his new photographer friend on you suddenly.

“Just do whatever he says, he’s a professional so it’s all fine. And remember, this has always been your dream, so maybe get your body a little more ripe for the occasion…” Albert trails off, staring at your hips as he waits for you to inflate for him.

“But I like my tight tummy, and sexy little muscles!” You protest, grabbing a large section of your flabby tummy as Albert holds back laughter.

“You’re right, sorry about that!

Just think of how ridiculous a woman would look with maxed out proportions, she would probably have darker hair too!” Albert jokes, instantly setting your mind to visualize the woman he has in mind.

“You’re totally right!” You giggle unknowingly, smiling as your hourglass figure is pushed to the extreme.

Soon you’re squeezing your wide fluffy body into a little one piece, soft breasts pressed together as your ass cheeks are wedgied sexily. But I’m your mind’s eye, the busty milf sultrily introducing herself the photographer is actually a tight blonde coed.  

“Give me another spin, this is amazing!!” The photographer laughs, taking pictures nonstop as you give him a sexy twirl.

There’s only a few moments in the day you’re able to even remember meeting Albert, and in those moments you thank your lucky stars. You don’t know where you’d be without him, you just know you’re happy to be whatever he wants.