Original Episodes

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Episode 1: Make a magician mad in 4 words 

Episode 2:Slogans 

Episode 3:What magic trick describes your social life?

Episode 4: Pete Carroll’s face (The original photo in this thread has been removed. The face in question is this face)

Episode 5: “facts”

Episode 6:”quotes”

Episode7:Rename a move

Episode 8: Nickname

Episode 9: Things you can say about a deck of cards, but not your best friend(The Best  episode!)

Episode 10: Terrible Pickup lines

Episode 11: Things magicians don’t say

Episode 12:BAAAAAAD hack lines 

Episode 13: Roses are red

Episode 14: Insults

Episode 15: How many magicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb

Episode 16 Analogy

Episode 17: Fake articles

Episode 18: something you can say during a magic trick but You can't say during a first date

Episode 19:Jokes to piss magicians off

Episode 20:Worst time for magic

Episode 21: Pitch your million dollar book deal

Episode 22: Why your Favorite trick actually sucks

Episode 23: Pitch your TV show

Episode 24: Reboot it!

Episode 25:WHAT DID YOU DO THAT??????

Episode 26: Pick Your Consultant

Episode 27: great, but unperformable

Episode 28: SWITCHAROO

Episode 29: Theory11 In 4 words

Episode 30: BOOOOORING

Episode 31: What is something you can say about your Double Lift, but not your mother

Episode 32:David Blaine’s Next Stunt

Episode 33: Much Needed Positivity

Episode 34 Why Is Mr.Teller silent

Episode 35: Make a magic routine 1 sentence at a time

Special edition remakes

  1. Things you can say about your deck of cards, but not your BF!

“Stay In the notes” Episodes

-Pitch your Deck