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Layton's Mystery Journey Route
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Any% EU

by Solid, Mer 28

Extra thanks to HammerPro for finding some extra puzzles


______ = Tap on an Object or Character

______ = Walk Using the Map

BOLD = Puzzle or Clues

______ = Select Something in a Menu

Time Starts When you Confirm your Name


Puzzle 001:

Case 1

Look at Lamp Post

Zoom into Clock Tower

Look at Missing Clock hand

Zoom out

Talk to Inspector Hastings

Place Clue:

Talk to Douglas Dert (Center)

Talk to Stachenscarfen (Right)

Puzzle 002:


Walk to Foot of the Elizabeth Tower

Talk to PC Beate (Left)

Talk to DC Booker(Center)

Place Clue:

Walk to The Clockroom

Look at Puff of dust

Look at Big Cogs

Talk to Hans Lipski

Place Clue:

Look at Right Window

Walk to Parliament Square Garden

Talk to Inspector Hastings

Look at Bike

Travel to Chancer Lane

Talk to Waiter

Place Clue:

Talk to Seán Butchin

Walk to Lipski’s pâtisserie

Look at Bear

Look at Clock

Look at Flowers

Talk to Aleks Lipski

Look at Trashcan

Puzzle 006:

Place Clue:

Walk to Chancer Lane Corner

Walk to Outside the Layton Detective Agency

Look at Door Behind Puddle

Puzzle 008:

B, E

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Case 2

Look at Right Flag

Puzzle 013:

C and G

Walk to Reception area

Talk to Douglas Dert (Center)

Walk to Hastings’s desk

Talk to Inspector Hastings

Walk to Guildhall

Talk to Gudrun Weldon (Right)

Puzzle 016:

 Route B

Talk to Ms Tate (Left)

Walk to The mayor’s chamber

Talk to Mayor Lowonida

Puzzle 017:


Walk to Guildhall

Look at Bike

Travel to The Thames

Talk to Seán Butchin (Left)

Talk to Bess and Benjy (Right)

Walk to Footpath by the river

Talk to Mr Fisher

Place Clue:

Walk to By the Thames

Look at Bike

Travel to Chancer Lane

Talk to Felicity

Puzzle 020:

Place Clue:

Walk to Lipski’s pâtisserie

Look at Display Case (Left)

Puzzle 022:

Sweet C

Talk to Hans Lipski (Left)

Talk to Aleks Lipski (Right)

Walk to Outside the Layton Detective Agency

Walk to The Lucky Clover

Talk to Granny Riddleton (Center)

Place Clue:

Walk to Chancer Lane Corner

Look at Bike

Travel to Business district

Place Clue:

Attemt to Walk to The mayor’s chamber

Puzzle 025:

Place Clue:

Walk to The mayor’s chamber

Look at Teddy Bear

Puzzle 026:

Walk to Balcony

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Case 3

Talk to Emiliana

Walk to The Saveloy foyer

Look at Plant (Right)

Puzzle 032:

3 (John)

Talk to Mayor Lowonida

Puzzle 031:


Walk to Kiosk

Talk to Madame Doublée

Walk to Auditorium

Talk to Mr Rector

Walk to Projection box

Look at Bird

Look at Bird again

Place Clue:

Talk to Mr Fraymes

Puzzle 034:

Middle Button

Place Clue:

Walk to Kiosk

Talk to Hayes (Right)

Puzzle 036:

Place Clue:

Walk to The Saveloy

Talk to Mr Torre

Quit out of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Walk to The Saveloy foyer

Talk to Emiliana

Place Clue:

Walk to Auditorium

Talk to Mr Rector and Mr Torre

Puzzle 038:

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Select Case 4

Case 4

Talk to Granny Riddleton

Walk to The Doublée residence

Talk to Gudrun Weldon

Puzzle 042:


Look at the Gate

Walk to Grand entrance hall

Puzzle 043:

Left x2, Middle x2, Right x2, 1 pearl from Left to Middle, Left x1, 1 pearl from Left to Right

Talk to Madame Doublée

Look at Painting (Left)

Puzzle 045:

Middle and Top Middle

Look at Cat Left of Flowers

Look at Cat on Table

Quit out of Puzzle

Talk to Maid

Place Clue:

Walk to Madame’s parlour

Look at Painting (Left)

Look at Second Top Left Bookcase

Puzzle 046:


Zoom into Plant

Look at Plant

Zoom Out

Zoom into Fruits

Look at Fruits

Zoom Out

Zoom into Window

Look at Banana peels

Place Clue:

Look at Open Window

Zoom Out

Walk to The Doublée grounds

Look at Dead Skin

Place Clue:

Look at Garden Door

Walk to The Doublée residence

Talk to Cat

Talk to Aleks Lipski (Right)

Walk to Millionaires’ Row

Talk to Bo Bells (Right)

Look at Truck

Talk to PC Beate (Center)

Puzzle 048:


Look at Bike

Travel to The Thames

Place Clue:

Talk to Seán Butchin (Right)

Look at Boat

Look at Back of Van

Walk to Footpath by the river

Talk to Dog

Place Clue:

Walk to Tower Bridge

Talk to Bess and Benjy

Puzzle 052:


Zoom into Cat

Look at Cat

Puzzle 051:

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 5

Talk to Emiliana

Talk to Granny Riddleton

Walk to The Wight Residence

Case 5

Look at Front Door

Walk to The Wight residence hallway

Talk to Wooooster

Walk to Liza’s room

Talk to Liza

Puzzle 056:

A, B

Walk to The Wight residence hallway

Walk to The Wight residence

Talk to Dc Booker

Walk to Millionaires’ Row

Talk to Granny Riddleton

Walk to The Doublée residence

Talk to Yapper (Dog)

Talk to Maid (Right)

Walk to The Doublée residence hallway

Talk to Madame Doublée

Walk to the WIght Residence

Look at Right Bush

Quit Out Of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Look at Top Window

Puzzle 061:

A, C, D

Place Clue:

Walk to The Wight residence hallway

Look at Puppet on Fireplace

Quit Out Of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Look at Fireplace

Puzzle 063:

Drag Circle over Water Jug

Place Clue:

Walk to Cellar

Look at Mirror

Puzzle 064:

Make the four Crystals Larger

Place Clue:

Walk to The Wight residence hallway

Walk to Liza’s room

Talk to Liza

Puzzle 066:

Join up the maze

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 6

Walk to Bank foyer

Talk to Woman

Case 6

Walk to Vault door

Puzzle 071:


Talk to Security Guard

Talk to Mr Sloanes

Place Clue:

Look at Vault Door

Talk to PC Beate

Walk to Vault interior

Look at Gold Bars

Look at pallets

Place Clue:

Look at Large Fan

Look at Chalk Outline

Place Clue:

Talk to DC Booker

Walk to Manager’s office

Look at Plate (Top Left)

Puzzle 074:


Look at little Safe

Look at Papers on desk

Place Clue:

Talk to Ms Teller

Walk to Bank foyer

Walk to The Layman’s Reserve bank

Talk to Bob Bracket (Guy on the left)

Talk to Shadee (Guy in the middle)

Zoom into Right Window

Look at Bracket

Zoom out

Walk to By the Thames

Talk to Seán Butchin (Buff Guy)

Puzzle 075:


Talk to Gudrun Weldon

Puzzle 076:


Walk to Tower Bridge

Place Clue:

Talk to Yapper (Dog)

Walk to Footpath by the river

Talk to Lipski

Puzzle 079:


Talk to Mr Fisher

Puzzle 078:


Walk to Wharf

Talk to Shadee (Guy on Left)

Puzzle 080:

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Select Case 7

Talk to Douglas Dert (Guy on far Right)

Walk to Editorial office

Talk to Mr Lloyd

Puzzle 084:

Desing 4

Case 7

Talk to Mr Chance (Left)

Talk to Mr Chance (Left)

Talk to Mr Lloyd (Right)

Place Clue:

Walk to London Times offices

Talk to Granny Riddleton (Center)

Talk to Douglas Dert (Far Right)

Place Clue:

Walk to Guildhall

Talk to Bob Bracket (Far Left)

Click On Bike

Go to Bowlyn Hill

Talk to Ratboy (Right)

Quit Out Of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Try to talk to Guy Behind Ratboy

Walk to Bowlyn Hill

Talk to Seán Butchin (Center)

Try to talk to Guy with Mohawk

Walk to Dead end

Puzzle 089:


Place Clue:

Look at Pile of Bottles

Puzzle 090:

Colour 6

Look at Pile of Wood (Far Left)

Walk to Bowlyn Hill

Look at Mouse Hole

Walk to Tailor’s shop

Talk to Mrs Slow the Tailor

Puzzle 091:


Look at Ratman Costume (Left)

Place Clue:

Walk to Bowlyn Green

Look at Bike

Walk to Editorial office

Talk to Mr Lloyd

Talk to Mr Chance

Puzzle 093:


Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Select Case 8

Walk to De luxe standard-class cabin

Look at Light above Right Bed

Puzzle 097:


Walk to Standard class cabin

Walk to The deck

Case 8

Puzzle 099:

Walk to The grand lounge

Look at food on right

Look at statue

Walk to The engine room

Look at the Panel on the right

Puzzle 100:

Walk to The grand lounge

Talk to Mr Fullhold (Center)

Walk to The bridge

Look at Red Button (Right)

Puzzle 102:

Left Hand

Talk to Captain Pullman (Right)

Place Clue:

Talk to Abel Seamon (Left)

Walk to The engine room

Talk to Mr Shwabber

Look at Switch (Left)

Place Clue:

Walk to The deck

Walk to De luxe first-class cabin

Look at Map

Puzzle 103:

Place Clue:

Walk to The bridge

Look at Pipes (Center)

Quit Out Of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Walk to The grand lounge

Place Clue:

Walk to The grand lounge

Look at Chicken Legs (Right)

Puzzle 106:


Look at top of Food Tower (Right)

Look at Jelly (Right)

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 9

Case 9

Puzzle 109:

Place Clue:

Walk to The Lucky Clover

Talk to Ms Pryce

Walk to Outside the Layon Detective Agency

Walk to Chancer Lane Corner

Talk to Lipski Brothers

Puzzle 111:


Place Clue:

Look at Bike

Travel to Business district

Talk to PC Beate (Left)

Walk to Reception area

Talk to PC Beate (Left)

Puzzle 114:

B (5pm)

Talk to DC Booker (Right)

Walk to Hastings’s desk

Talk to Inspector Hastings

Place Clue:

Walk to Guildhall

Talk to Ms Tate (Left)

Walk to The mayor’s chamber

Walk to Balcony

Look at Chimney (Right)

Puzzle 119:

Group 1

Talk to Mayor Lowonida

Puzzle 118:

12, 6, 2

Place Clue:

Walk to Guildhall

Puzzle 120:


Place Clue:

Walk to Scotland Yard

Look at Bike

Travel to Chancer Lane

Walk to Outside the Layton Detective Agency

Talk to Stachenscarfen

Puzzle 121:

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 10

Case 10

Puzzle 124:

Car 5

Walk to Reception area

Walk to Scotland Yard

Look at bike

Travel to Gressenheller University

Talk to PC Beate (Right)

Place Clue:

Walk to Campus

Talk to DC Booker (Right)

Place Clue:

Look at Flower behind Wood (Right)

Quit Out Of Puzzle

Place Clue:

Talk to Shadee

Walk to Goat Shed

Look at Goat

Talk to Billy

Puzzle 132:


Place Clue:

Walk to Flower bed

Look at Right Window

Walk to Faculty

Walk to Campus

Talk to DC Booker

Walk to Outside Gressenheller

Look at Bike

Travel to Business district

Walk to Reception area

Talk to Dean Delmona (Right)

Puzzle 135:

Line D

Walk to Scotland Yard

Look at Bike

Travel to Gressenheller University

Walk to Faculty

Walk to Research laboratory

Look at Left Window

Place Clue:

Look at Books on desk

Talk to Dr Ohm

Puzzle 136:

Symbol 2

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 11

Case 11

Walk to Chancer Lane Corner

Place Clue:

Walk to Lipski’s pâtisserie

Talk to the Lipski Brothers

Puzzle 142:

Puzzle 143:

Place Clue:

Walk to Chancer Lane Corner

Look at Bike

Travel to The Thames

Walk to Tower Bridge

Talk to PC Beate

Puzzle 146:


Walk to Footpath by the river

Walk to Wharf

Puzzle 147:

Place Clue:

Walk to By the Thames

Look at Bike

Travel to Bowlyn Hill

Walk to Bowlyn Hill

Look at Fire Hydrant

Puzzle 150:


Walk to Dead End

Talk to Ratman

Place Clue:

Walk to Bowlyn Hill

Puzzle 152:

Left, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left

Look at Bike

Travel to Chancer Lane

Walk to The Lucky Clover

Look at Chalk Outline

Look at Hat (Top Left)

Place Clue:

Puzzle 153:


Place Clue:

Solve Case

Look at Pinboard

Chose Case 12

Case 12

Look at Iron Work (Center Right)

Puzzle 157:


Look at Contract (Puzzle Check: 65)

Walk to The Rosenberg Room

Talk to Mr Sloanes and Mr Chance

Look at Stained Glass at Back wall

Look at Case With Glass Shards

Puzzle 158:

Place Clue:

Walk to Entrance hall

Walk to The Treasury

Talk to Liza and Mr Fullhold

Look at Mirror in the back

Look at Glass on Table

Puzzle 160:

Place Clue:

Walk to Entrance hall

Walk to The Hope Room

Talk to Pipper and Phineas

Look at Candels on Table

Look at Books on Chair

Puzzle 161:

Place Clue:

Walk to Entrance hall

Walk to The Treachery

Talk to Madame Doublée

Look at Large Picture in the Back

Look at Small Rose Painting

Look at Abstract Painting

Puzzle 163:

Place Clue:

Walk to The Road to Ruin

Look at Metal Bars (Right)

Zoom into Bookcase

Look at the Books

Look at Red Book

Look at Blue Book

Look at Green Book

Look at Purple Book

Look at Papers in wall

Place Clue:

Look at Telephone

Look at Letters on Desk

Walk to Child’s bedroom

Look at Desk

Puzzle 167:

Place Clue:

Solve Case

Time Stops After Final Three Text “Boxes”