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Crash the DNC Social Media Toolkit - July 2024 (Public)
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Let's Crash the Party!

Demand a Free Palestine at the DNC!

Tell Joe Biden: No Money for Massacres!


Since last October the Israeli government has killed 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza and displaced 2 million from their homes. In that same time, the US government has provided more than 12 billion dollars in military aid to Israel. As Biden himself has admitted, American bombs have been used to carry out war crimes. Meanwhile, cities like Chicago are struggling to get the federal funding we need to revitalize our public transit system, fully fund our public schools, house the homeless, and provide other essential social services.

Next month, Biden will be coming to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The DNC will be a major disruption for everyone in Chicago, with the city already having pushed back the start of the school year to accommodate the convention and the CTA plan to provide the DNC with up to 250 buses. It’s going to be a nightmare trying to get anywhere that week, but it’s going to be an even bigger nightmare for Biden and the Democratic Party.

Democratic Socialists of America is proud to have joined the March on the DNC coalition and we are calling on all our members and supporters to join us for the major marches planned for August 19th and August 22nd. We may not be able to get Biden to change course, but with enough angry people outside the convention center we can certainly make the DNC a complete political disaster for his campaign.

We hope you will join our campaign to “Crash the DNC” and spend the next seven weeks helping us spread the word, whether it’s through canvassing, creating and sharing media and propaganda, organizing your neighbors and coworkers, or helping out with many different administrative and organizing tasks needed to make any campaign a success, so that come convention time Chicago comes out in force to demand a Free Palestine.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Joe Biden: We Demand Money for Our Cities! For Housing, Healthcare and Education – Not for War and Devastation

Sign up to get involved with Chicago DSA and send a direct message to Joe Biden at this link.

TAKE ACTION: Canvass with us to #CrashTheDNC this weekend!

We're canvassing throughout July to talk to working people across Chicago about why we're demanding an end to American military aid to Israel and an end to the genocide in Gaza. We know that thousands of Chicagoans will be celebrating the holiday weekend – join Chicago DSA members at these canvasses across the city. Click each link to RSVP to the canvass

Saturday, July 6th @ Nettelhorst French Market (Lakeview), 9AM - 12PM

Sunday, July 7th @ Logan Square Farmers Market, 10AM - 2PM.

SOUTH SIDE: [canvass location, date, time and link]

Be the first to know about future canvasses by signing up at this link.

TAKE ACTION: Amplify On Social Media!

Spread the message online! Spread our message on social media. Need some help? Use our sample posts below.

Sample Posts:

We know that @JoeBiden is desperate to salvage his presidential campaign after a disastrous first debate with fascist Donald Trump. Unless he commits to end ALL US military aid to Israel, we need to mobilize to make the DNC a complete political disaster. Take action to #CrashTheDNC now at this link: #CrashTheParty #MarchOnDNC

Israel bombs, America pays. We’ve sent billions of dollars to enact genocide on Gaza. Tell @JoeBiden that we need money for housing, healthcare and education, not for war and devastation: #CrashTheDNC #CrashTheParty

Workers Deserve More than a genocide enabler or a fascist who uses “Palestinian” as a slur. TAKE ACTION NOW to demand a political alternative for workers and an end to genocide: #CrashTheDNC #CrashTheParty

We need hundreds of thousands of people ready to March on the DNC to demand an end for US support for genocide in feel freGaza. Take action today at Workers Deserve more in 2024 and have a world to win! #CrashTheDNC #CrashTheParty

TAKE ACTION: Share Our Campaign With Your Networks!

You can find our graphics in this folder. Promote our campaign across your networks and social media!

Tag @chicagodsa and @demsocialists on Twitter and Instagram.

About Us

Chicago DSA is the largest socialist organization in Chicago,  and one of the largest chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the USA in the last century. The DSA have supported Free Palestine and the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement as the organization’s official position since 2017. Here in Chicago, we have six members in City Council which put forward and passed a ceasefire resolution, as well as one Cook Cook County Commissioner, and several Local School Council members. We have made more than 200,000 calls to demand an immediate ceasefire to end Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

Learn more about us at and help us build a better world by joining DSA at