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Braze Customer Education Style Guide v2
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Customer and Partner Education Style Guide

Last Updated: March 2024




Voice and Tone





Global Audience

Inclusive Language

Third-Party Sources



Active Voice




Clause Order

Combining Forms


Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers


Present Tense


Plurals in Parentheses

Second Person and First Person

Slang and Idioms









Exclamation Points






Quotation Marks


API Endpoints

Metadata and YAML

Naming Conventions

Describing Interactions with the UI

Avoid Guarantees

Describing Limitations

Future Features

Procedures and Instructions




Buttons Labels

Callouts and Alerts

Code in Text

Code Samples

Dates and Times


Example Names

Figures and Other Images

File Types and Filenames


Formatting Text in Instructions


Headings and Titles


Media Formatting


Placeholder Text



Units of Measurement


Cross-reference Links

Embedding Videos

Headings as Link Targets

Link Text

Links for Endpoints

Links for File Download

Links to Other Sites

URLs for Images



Voice and Tone

The Braze brand voice is smart, conversational, and direct. We are a human voice in a world of tech buzzwords; we provide clarity and guidance to anyone interested in the craft of customer engagement; and we eschew jargon in favor of concise language that is as easy to understand as it is powerful.

To align on this brand voice in our writing and editing, we use three voice keywords: straightforward, empowering, and human.


Clearly structure your writing and make it easy for people to find the information they need.


✅ Use visuals to help clarify complex subjects.

Example: The user profile lifecycle image in the User Profile Lifecycle article helps to illustrate a tricky concept.

✅ Create a clear information hierarchy.

 "This is an overview for how content is managed on Braze Docs. To learn more about a specific topic, choose the dedicated topic page in the navigation."

✅ Ruthlessly cut jargon and acronyms if possible. If not possible, define them.

Example: "The Short Messaging Service (SMS) is used to send and receive brief text messages."


What problem are you trying to solve with your writing? Keep that problem in mind while creating any content.


✅ Make it easy to find the happy path.

"When you stop a Canvas, the following applies: 1. Users will be prevented from entering the Canvas. 2. No further messages will be sent out, despite where a user is in the flow.  3. **Exception:** Email Canvases won't immediately stop."

✅ Provide examples, use cases, and templates that simplify or elevate the user’s work.

 "`IInAppMessageManagerListener` also includes delegate methods for clicks on the message itself or one of the buttons. A common use case would be intercepting a message when a button or message is clicked for further processing."


Informational writing is inherently dry—we want readers to focus on the content, not the delivery. We can still write in a way that will help our readers process the information they’re consuming and make it more likely that they’ll internalize the knowledge. Be human, let your personality show, and be memorable.


✅ Thoughtfully apply brand tone and assets.

Example: "Integrating with Braze is a worthwhile process. But you’re smart. You’re here. Clearly, you already know that."

✅ Apply accessibility best practices for both visual and verbal content.

Example: Replacing idioms like "out-of-the-box" with "default" make your text more accessible to English second language speakers.

✅ Provide consistent support across the user journey.

Example: Use the diataxis framework to ensure you’re meeting the needs of different users at different times.


Braze aims to provide an inclusive experience. Use the following guidelines to ensure your learning content is accessible to the 1 billion people with an accessibility need.


Language and Formatting



Images, Videos, and GIFs


Global Audience

We write our learning content in American English. However, Braze is a global brand, and as such, we write for a global audience. Use the following guidelines to make sure customers understand your writing even when English isn’t their first language.

  1. Write with localization in mind:
  1. Write short and precise sentences:
  1. Be consistent:
  1. Be inclusive:

Inclusive Language

We may be a B2B company, but people are at the center of what we do, and ours is a global brand. Whenever we refer to a person in our content, we are mindful of being inclusive and considerate. When in doubt, consult this section or The Diversity Style Guide.


Unless it’s relevant to your writing, don’t refer to a subject’s age. Don’t use qualifiers like “young” or “old” to describe any subject or audience.

If you’re representing an age group, be descriptive and specific like “Generation Z” instead of “youth.” Don’t use vague descriptors like “college-age” when you could say “college students” instead.


Avoid including color terms in your writing unless absolutely necessary, and if necessary, include explanatory text.

Press Save.

Press the green Save icon.

Press the green checkmark icon.


Press the green icon.

Press the green icon next to the red
Cancel button.


Don’t rely on color to be the only indicator for interactive elements. For example, underline links on hover, or mark a required field with an asterisk.

Avoid relying solely on green and red for “good” and “bad” (or, more often, “do” and “don’t”) indicators. Red/green color blindness is the most common type of color blindness. If you use color to communicate do’s and don’ts, make sure to also include other text or symbols to convey the same point.

Condescending Language

When writing instructions or detailing steps for a reader to follow, avoid using words or phrases such as:

If someone has difficulty with the steps or instructions, your casual descriptors can feel condescending. You may also unintentionally exclude people from your documentation who interpret that as an indicator they are in some way not skilled enough to follow your instructions.

Customers vs. Clients

When referring to Braze users and their consumers, use the following terms accordingly:

Departments and Teams

Capitalize the names of departments or teams. Do not capitalize “team” or “department.”

Marketing, Business Intelligence

Product team, Revenue department



marketing, business intelligence

Product Team, Revenue Department




Don’t refer to a person’s disability unless it’s specifically relevant to your writing. In that case, be considerate and ask whether the subject prefers identity-first or person-first language. When referring to a subject with a disability, do not use terms like “handicapped.”

Ableist language includes words or phrases such as “crazy”, “insane”, “blind to” or “blind eye to”, “cripple”, “dumb”, and others. Choose alternative words depending on the context.


When describing an illness, avoid words like “suffer,” “struggle,” or “victim.” Aim to be neutral and matter-of-fact.

She was diagnosed with cancer.

They’re living with HIV.

He recovered from his stroke.



Inclusivity in Content

Highlight and represent a diverse community. Be mindful and inclusive when involving our customers, speakers, industry experts, and Braze team members.

Job Titles

When it comes to job titles, we veer off-course from AP Style. In all cases, we capitalize job titles when referring to someone specifically.

Job Title with Company Name

Capitalize formal job titles when they come before or after a person’s name. We format them three ways:

  1. [Formal Title] at [Company Name] + [Full Name]

Creative Director at PantsLabyrinth David Bowie


creative director at PantsLabyrinth David Bowie


  1. [Full Name] + comma + [Formal Title] at [Company Name] 

David Bowie, Creative Director at PantsLabyrinth


David Bowie, creative director at PantsLabyrinth


  1. [Company Name] + [Formal Title] + [Full Name] 

PantsLabyrinth Creative Director David Bowie


PantsLabyrinth creative director David Bowie


Job Title without Company Name

When referring to a specific person by formal title, capitalize their formal title and name like so:

  1. [Formal Title] + [Full Name]

CEO Robin Fenty


Chief executive officer Robyn Fenty


  1. [Formal Title] + comma + [Full Name]

SVP, Product, Robin Fenty


senior vice president, product, Robyn Fenty



Formal titles are “at [COMPANY].” Founders and Cofounders are “of [COMPANY].” Formal titles and occupations on their own do not need to be capitalized.

I wrote to their chief data officer.

We spoke with several business intelligence analysts.

Contact your Braze account manager.


I wrote to their Chief Data Officer

We spoke with several Business Intelligence Analysts.

Contact your Braze Account Manager.


Adhere to gender-neutral job titles unless gender has been already established.





Abbreviate titles where appropriate, such as VP or SVP, if this is how the person refers to their title. In the event of limited text space, standard abbreviations (VP, SVP, Sr., or Jr.) are acceptable.


Don’t make assumptions about people’s gender. Ask subjects who will appear in your content how they self-identify.

When referring to members of the community, “queer” is acceptable. “Gay” is not. You may refer to a group of people as “LGBTQ.” Do not use this for describing an individual.

When addressing groups of people in your content, avoid gendering your audience (example: “OK, ladies!”). Use gender-neutral expressions instead (example: “Let’s dig in, everyone!”).

“They/them/theirs” is always acceptable to use as a single or plural pronoun in all of our content.

Mental Health

Mental health and illness cover a broad range of conditions. Unless it’s relevant to what you are writing, don’t refer to a person’s mental health. Avoid stigmatizing words and phrases. Don’t use medical terms colloquially (example: “The depressing state of things...”).


The first time you mention a person, use their first and full name. From there on, use either their first or last name when referring to them.


For information on appropriate use of pronouns, refer to the Language and Grammar section on Pronouns.

Race, Religion, and Ethnicity

Don’t refer to a person’s race, religion, or ethnicity unless it’s relevant to what you are writing. In writing where race or ethnicity factors in, ask your subject how they self-identify.

Don’t use a hyphen to indicate dual heritage or religion. Instead, use a space.

Muslim American
Cuban American




Capitalize the proper names of ethnicities, nationalities, peoples, and tribes.

Black Americans


black Americans


Capitalize the names of religions or religious terms.

Bahá’í Faith


bahá’í faith


Don’t co-opt words or turns of phrases that belong to African American Vernacular English (on fleek, bae, lit, woke).

Don’t co-opt words or turns of phrases specific to indigenous peoples (example: spirit animal, powwow).

Third-Party Sources

Never copy content from other sites, as it may violate copyright. Content can be both text and images.

Instead of copying or quoting third-party sites, paraphrase the content or provide a link to the third-party site for more information.  For more information, refer to Links to Other Sites.


Keeping in line with agreed-upon grammar and mechanics helps us keep our writing clear and consistent. This section covers what we try to follow in our technical documentation unless specified otherwise.


Abbreviations, such as acronyms, initialisms, and shortened words, can hurt our clarity, voice, and SEO.

Although some abbreviations are widely understood, others aren't well known or are familiar only to a specific group of customers. Use your best judgment, and as a general rule, it’s OK not to spell out an abbreviation if it’s listed in the American Heritage Dictionary.

If an abbreviation isn’t well known, spell it out on the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For all subsequent mentions of the term, use the abbreviation.

Top-level domain (TLD)

Universally unique identifier (UUID)



Spell out uncommon abbreviations at the first mention.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

Universal Serial Bus (USB)



Spell out common abbreviations.

Treat abbreviations as regular words when making them plural, and don't add an apostrophe—for example, APIs and SDKs. The same goes for which article (a or an) you use—look at how you pronounce the abbreviation. When an abbreviation begins with a vowel sound, use “an”; for consonant sounds, use “a”.

an ISP


an HTML site

a CSV file



Use articles depending on how the abbreviation is pronounced, not spelled.

Active Voice

We use the active voice at Braze when possible. Active voice is our gold standard. Avoid passive voice, in which it can be difficult to determine who or what is performing a particular action.

To see if your sentence is in a passive voice, insert “by somebody” after the verb. If the sentence makes sense—it’s most likely in the passive voice.

Braze connects consumers to the brands they love.

Braze requires employees to keep their addresses up to date.

Company administrators can configure authentication requirements for signing into Braze.



Use active voice.

Consumers are connected to the brands they love.

Employees are required to keep their addresses up to date.

Authentication requirements for signing into Braze can be configured by company administrators.



Use passive voice, if possible.


It’s OK to use passive voice in the following cases:


Use the articles “a”, “an”, and “the” to make your writing clear and to aid in translation. Use “the” before a specific singular or plural noun, and “a” or “an” before a non-specific singular noun.

To determine if you should use “a” or “an”, look at the pronunciation of the word that follows it. Use “a” before a consonant sound, and use “an” before a vowel sound. The same guidelines apply to Abbreviations.

an hour

a minute

an FAQ article

a LAB course



Use articles depending on how the anteceding word is pronounced.


Personal Pronouns

Use second-person pronouns (you) whenever possible.

Don’t refer to Braze customers as the “user” in external-facing writing, instead speak directly to the reader using “you”. To refer to our customers’ customers, use “your consumers” or, if the situation relates to user statistics, “your users”.

Avoid first-person pronouns (I, we, us, our) except in the following cases:

Gender-Neutral Pronouns

Use the pronouns your subjects use. If there is any uncertainty, use “they,” “them,” and “their” for singular pronouns. Don’t use “he/she” or “(s)he” as an alternative to the singular “they”.  

Only use gendered pronouns (he/she, him/her, his/hers) if the person you’re referring to is actually that gender.  

Ambiguous Pronouns

Pronouns substitute for nouns. The word a pronoun refers to is called its antecedent. When writing instructions or learning material, be sure to make clear references between a pronoun and its antecedent. This may require repeating subjects to make the meaning clear.

If you type text in the field, the text doesn’t change.

She told Sarah that Sarah’s answer was incorrect.

You can’t edit an archived campaign. Unarchive a campaign to edit it.



Make sure a pronoun clearly references its antecedent.

If you type text in the field, it doesn’t change.

She told Sarah that her answer was incorrect.

You can’t edit an archived campaign. Unarchive it to edit it.


Use ambiguous pronoun references.

Optional Pronouns

To add additional clarity to your writing and to aid in localization, use pronouns such as “that”, “which”, and “who”.

Right-click the link that you want to open.

From here, you can choose which Tinyclues cohort that you want to include.



Use “that”, “which”, and “who” to add additional clarity.

Right-click the link you want to open.

From here, you can choose a Tinyclues cohort you want to include.



Avoid unnecessary capitalization. In most instances, use sentence case. Title case should only be used for proper nouns or feature names (unless otherwise specified, see Glossary).



Use lowercase for writing out website URLs and email addresses. 



north, south, east, west


Use lowercase for directionals.

North, South, East, West


the Northwest

Southern Connecticut

Eastern Europe




Capitalize specific regions, and use all capitals for abbreviated regions.

the northwest

southern Connecticut

eastern Europe

Apac, emea


Brands and Products

When referring to a brand or product, use the capitalization the brand uses. In most cases, capitalize the names of brands (Grindr, Walmart) and products (Benchmarks, Looker Blocks). It’s fine to begin a sentence with lowercase if the first word is the stylized name of a brand like eBay or iTunes.

For intercaps, always refer to the usage preferred by the brand in print (OkCupid, YouTube). Do not use intercaps that only appear in logos or graphic design treatments (Amazon).

Clause Order

If you want to tell the reader to do something in a specific circumstance, try to mention the circumstance before you provide the instruction. This lets the reader skip the instruction if the circumstance doesn't apply.

For troubleshooting steps, see Campaign FAQs.

To archive your campaign, click the gear icon and select Archive.



See Campaign FAQs for troubleshooting steps.

Click the gear icon and select Archive to archive your campaign.


Combining Forms

Hyphenate combined forms when the phrase is used as an adjective before the noun.

Example: A one-of-a-kind item


A contraction is a shortened version of a word or phrase. Use contractions to keep an approachable and informal tone. However, do not use noun and verb contractions or double contractions, or a combination of two contractions. These can disrupt the flow and coherency of the sentence.

If you’re an admin, you can manage your company’s contact information.

You can’t edit an archived campaign.


Use contractions.

Braze’ll now support Shoptify integration.

You mightn’t’ve seen the restricted upload size.


Use noun and verb contractions.

Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers

Modifiers are words of phrases that modify other words or phrases. A dangling modifier doesn’t modify any subject in the sentence. A misplaced modifier is placed far away from the subject that it’s meant to modify. Essentially, dangling and misplaced modifiers may cause confusion by connecting to the wrong part of the sentence.

Writing with an active voice will help prevent the use of dangling and misplaced modifiers. Be sure to use a modifier that clearly modifies.

Customers need to set up their SAML settings.

Make sure to save your campaign drafts.


Keep sentences short and concise. Use active voice.

You may have test messages on your campaigns that can be deleted.

On the way home, Sarah found a gold man’s stopwatch.


Use lengthy sentences with modifiers that can cause confusion.


There’s nothing wrong with ending a sentence in a preposition when it improves readability. Place a preposition or prepositional phrase where it makes the most sense in a sentence. If you’re having difficulty, read the sentence out loud and see if it sounds natural.

Each option corresponds to the priority the notification will be displayed in.

For details, see the SDK documentation for the platform you’re working with.

Each option corresponds to the priority in which the notification will be displayed.

For details, see the SDK documentation for the platform with which you’re working.



Present Tense

Use present tense instead of future tense. Present tense conveys immediacy and demonstrates confidence. Avoid using “will” or hypothetical “would”, especially when referring to the result of user action.

Archived subscription groups cannot be edited and no longer appear in segment filters.

Using a
short code is the most reliable number type for including links.

Archived subscription groups cannot be edited and will no longer appear in segment filters.

Using a short code would be the most reliable number type for including links.



Only use future tense when you’re actually talking about the future. Avoid predicting future features. 


Keep it PG. This has less to do with morality than the fact profanity can be divisive and off-putting to an audience as broad and international as ours. There’s also a case to be made that sometimes profanity is a cover-up for half-baked writing. That’s simply not our vibe.

Plurals in Parentheses

Do not use plurals in parentheses. Instead, use the plural or singular form of the word.

Customize your campaign with the filters below.

Customize your campaign with the filter(s) below.



Second Person and First Person

Use second person in your instructions instead of first person—”you” rather than “we”.

Refer to the reader as the one doing the action. Strike a conversational tone—most readers are coming to documentation when they don’t have immediate access to a support agent. Make it feel as if the article is talking to them instead.

If you want to add a variant....

If we want to add a variant....



If you’re telling the reader to do something, then you can omit the “you” and use the imperative.

Upload the CSV file.

You can upload the CSV file.
You’ll need to click



When using second person, make sure you know who the audience of the document is, and to be consistent about who you’re talking to.

Slang and Idioms

We’re a plainspoken bunch. Avoid using trendy slang or idioms that speak too specifically to a singular audience. It can also quickly date materials, and make it difficult to localize content.


Use American English spelling for words that differ in British English. If you’re not sure how to spell a word, first refer to the Glossary. If the word isn’t listed there, then refer to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

For words that are accented or contain special characters, make sure to correctly follow the dictionary spelling. In some cases, unintentionally omitting these accents can result in a different word. For example, “resume” means to begin again after stopping, whereas “résumé” is an account of one’s qualifications.



Don’t use an ampersand (&) in place of “and” in text or headings unless you are referring directly to the user interface.

Drag-And-Drop Editor


Drag & Drop Editor





We use an apostrophe most often to make a noun possessive.


Use colons at the end of an introductory phrase that precedes a list or example. Your introductory sentence should be able to stand alone as a complete sentence. This is for both accessibility and localization purposes, as it’s difficult to translate sentence fragments.

The general structure is as follows:

The general structure is:



If the text preceding the colon is bold, bold the colon as well.

Scheduled: Time-based entry.

Scheduled: Time-based entry.



If the text preceding the colon is code text, don’t include the colon in the code text unless it is part of the code element.

user_alias_label: A common label to group user aliases with.

user_alias_label: A common label to group user aliases with.



You can also use a colon to join two related phrases in a sentence. However, use colons for this sparingly. Two sentences are generally more readable.

Coming up next week: we’ll go on a tour of the West Village.



Braze uses the Oxford (serial) comma when writing instructions or learning content. Use a comma before the last conjunction to separate items in a series.

Use a comma after an introductory phrase.

If a coordinating conjunction (words like “and”, “but”, “or”, “yet”, “so”) separates two independent clauses, place the comma after the first clause and before the conjunction. However, this comma is not necessary if both clauses are short.

For example, here are two independent clauses:

The sentence when using a coordinating conjunction “but” is “All fields are optional, but you must specify at least one field.”

If an independent clause and a dependent clause are used in the same sentence, do not use a comma to separate them. Only use a comma in this scenario if the sentence can be misinterpreted without the comma placement.

Push subscriptions states are filters and can allow users to edit notification preferences.

Push subscriptions states are filters, and can allow users to edit notification preferences.




Em Dash

Use an em dash (—) when using a dash in a sentence to indicate a separate thought or interruption. Don’t put any spaces before or after the em dash. Don’t use an em dash where a comma or parenthesis would work just as well.

Refer to your operating system for how to type an em dash:

En Dash

Use an en dash (–) to indicate a range of numbers, as a minus sign, or to indicate negative numbers. Don’t put any spaces before or after the en dash except for when it’s used as a minus sign. Don’t use a hyphen (-).




Use an en dash for a range of numbers.

Use a hyphen.

Don’t use an en dash for ranges of time. For more details, refer to the section Dates and Times.

15 – 5 = 10



Use an en dash for a minus sign and include spaces surrounding the en dash.

Use a hyphen.




Use an en dash for negative numbers.

Use a hyphen.

Refer to your operating system for how to type an en dash:


An ellipsis is a series of three periods (...) that indicates an omission of one or more words. In general, avoid using ellipses when possible while writing instructions or learning content.

Exclamation Points

An exclamation point can be used sparingly for an informal tone. However, avoid overly using exclamation points throughout text. Instead, consider using Alerts.

Be sure to save your changes before leaving the page!


Use exclamation points for an informal tone for reminders and introductions.

Users must receive one or more messages from a step to be counted as a unique recipient!


Use exclamation points for indicating warning or caution to readers.


Hyphens can help the reader gain more clarity in a sentence by linking words in a phrase together. Here are a few guidelines for getting it right.

Use hyphens for compound modifiers that will help the reader understand the subject more clearly.

real-time data streaming


Use hyphens to link a phrase, with a space between the modifier and subject.

All-in-one solutions


Use hyphens for a phrase that modifies a subject. There’s no need to use a hyphen if the phrase is the subject.

It was a well-known fact.

That fact is well-known



Don’t use hyphens in place of an em dash to create a pause in a sentence.

...third-party integrations—such as Slack—and automate...

...third-party integrations-such as Slack-and automate...



Don’t use a hyphen after an adverb. Keep the words separate.

Hastily made





Use parentheses sparingly. Never put important information in parentheses, as some readers skip content in parentheses.

For less important parentheticals, consider reworking the sentence to remove the parentheses. For example, you can set off the phrase or sentence using commas, dashes, semicolons, or by adding a new sentence.

If a parentheses is part of a larger sentence, place the period outside of the parenthesis. If the parentheses contain a complete sentence, place the period inside.

Related section: Plurals in Parentheses


Use a period to end sentences. Do not use a period to end headlines, headings, subheadings, or UI elements.

For guidelines on when to use periods with list items, refer to Lists.


Semicolons are great for breaking up a longer, more complicated sentence. Use a semicolon to separate two independent clauses that are closely related in topic.

The cat slept through the storm; the dog cowered under the bed.


Use a semicolon to break up a sentence with two related independent clauses.

Semicolons can be used to separate list items if one (or more) of the list items contains a comma.

Jane Lang, our moderator; Simon Mayer, CEO and Cofounder of PantsLabyrinth; and Kara Seberg, CMO of Yachtr.


Use a semicolon to break up a longer


There are two types of slashes: backward (\) and forward (/). Do not use slashes to indicate alternative words or examples (“and/or”).

Use slashes as needed in file paths and URLs.



Use a slash for file paths.

you/your customers


Use a slash to separate alternatives.

Quotation Marks

There are two types of quotation marks: straight (" ") and curly (“ ”). Periods and commas go inside the quotation marks. An exception is when the quotation marks include exact information such as a string. Use quotation marks when directing users to input a specific string of text into a text field.

Note: When describing search syntax, quotation marks are often used to signify searching for exact text. In this case, use brackets around the string of text and quotation marks as required by the search syntax. For example:

Put quotes around any word or phrase, such as [“test segment”], and we’ll only show results that contain those exact words or phrases.


Code examples must use straight quotation marks. For more information about formatting code in text, refer to Code in Text.


API Endpoints

In general, documentation for API endpoints should follow the guidelines in this style guide. However, there are niche topics that may require different content guidelines listed in this document. For more information on how to format and reference endpoints, refer to API Endpoint Documentation Guidelines. 

Metadata and YAML

Articles in Braze documentation require certain metadata for search and index purposes. For information on what metadata is required, refer to the GitHub page on YAML and Metadata Layouts.

Naming Conventions

When naming articles and filenames, make sure to describe the general topic in the title. Always include a keyword and brief description that will be easily understood by readers, especially with article titles.

For filenames, keep the name brief and avoid using articles (a, an, the). Separate each word with an underscore (_).

Targeting users

Creating an email campaign

API errors and responses




In general, for articles and image files, use the same spelling and capitalization as the referenced article and files. For guidelines on article title styling, refer to Headings and Titles.

When referring to a specific file, use the same spelling of the filename and code font. For formatting details, refer to the GitHub page on Special Formatting.

Describing Interactions with the UI

When referring to UI elements, match the capitalization as it appears in the UI. However, If a label is all caps, use sentence case (exception: short labels, like AND or OR operators).

When instructing a reader to interact with the UI, bold the UI element they are interacting with. For strings that a user would enter into a field, use quotation marks.

For guidance on what verbs to use when describing interactions with the UI, refer to the following table:





  • Opening apps
  • Opening files and folders
  • Open Droidboy.
  • Open the braze.xml file.


  • Closing apps
  • Closing files and folders
  • Close Droidboy.
  • Close the braze.xml file.

Go to

  • Going to a specific page in the UI (tab, page, section)
  • Going to a webpage
  • Go to the Segments page, and click…
  • Go to to sign up.


Following a sequence of steps when all steps are of the same type.

Go to Segments > Segment Insights.


Making a decision that is subjective, strategic, open-ended, or complex.

Choose a campaign strategy.


  • Selecting a checkbox
  • Selecting items from a dropdown
  • Selecting a tab
  • Making a simple decision        
  • Select Show Password.
  • Select a data type from the dropdown.
  • On the Manage Settings page, select the Custom Events tab.
  • Select an image.


Clearing the selection from a checkbox.

Clear the Show Password checkbox.


Clicking an element in the UI.

Add a custom attribute and click Save.

Turn on

Enabling a toggle option

Turn on the List-Unsubscribe header.

Turn off

Disabling a toggle option

Turn off Inline CSS on New Emails by Default.


Typing a value.

  • In the text field, enter the name of your custom attribute.
  • Enter "Braze" as the source name.

Avoid Guarantees

Our documentation must refrain from making commitments that could potentially result in legal implications. Avoid using definitive terms such as "guarantee" or "ensure." Instead, employ forward-looking statements like "Designed to" or "Intended to" to accurately convey the product's capabilities and intentions.

Describing Limitations

Write candidly about the product's limitations, without distortion or manipulation. Readers will react in an intense fashion to being manipulated, hoodwinked, and otherwise bamboozled, and this will jeopardize the documentation's efficacy as a source of utilitarian truth. Customers rely on documentation to understand the limits of the system to which they are building so that they can use Braze successfully.

At the same time, support the intentionality of the product's development by framing limitations with appropriate, positive context.

Future Features

Avoid references to future features, or suggestions that something may be supported in the future.

Don’t use words and phrases that anchor your writing to a point in time, as they make content become quickly outdated. Focus on how the product works right now, not on what has changed (except for time-focused content, such as in release notes).

Specifically avoid the following list of words and phrases, taken from Google’s developer documentation style guide:

Procedures and Instructions

This section covers some guidelines to keep in mind when writing instructions for procedures in the Braze dashboard.

General guidelines:

Before instructions:

Writing instructions:


Tabs can be used in technical documentation as a way to organize grouped information.

A tab refers to an element that can be used when writing instructions to demonstrate a workflow summary or to organize grouped information. This is similar to a table or list, but the information is grouped into panels.

Consider using tabs when information can be grouped together to avoid duplication or to visualize a workflow for readers. Ensure that the tabs include parallel information, and are not used for when the reader must follow sequential steps in a workflow.

For example, you can use tabs to show code examples in different programming languages. In this case, a reader would toggle between the examples based on the tab labels as opposed to scrolling through the article.

For formatting details, refer to the GItHub page on Special Formatting. Alternatively, you can also use a list or table to organize information.



Use the numeral followed by the street name like so:

330 W. 34th St.

To display a full address, use the numeral, followed by the street name, followed by the city, state, and zip code. There’s no need for a comma between the state and zip code.

330 W. 34th St., New York, NY 10001

Buttons Labels

Button labels should be clear and predictable—the user should know what action will occur upon clicking the button. Use sentence case for button labels, and lead with a strong verb. If it may be unclear what the verb is referring to, use the format [verb] + [noun].

Sign up

Log in


Learn more

Sign Up

Log In




Omit unnecessary words and articles, such as “a”, “an,” or “the”.

Callouts and Alerts

Alerts, also known as callouts, are used to draw attention to information that is helpful to the reader. There are four alerts types that are used in our documentation:

Use alerts sparingly throughout articles. For more information, refer to Best Practices for Alerts.

Code in Text

There are a few scenarios where you should use code font to format text within a sentence. Here is an incomplete list of items that should be in code font:

To create in-line code text in Braze documentation, surround the text in backticks (`).

Code Samples

Code samples refer to blocks of code text that display a sample snippet of code. For accessibility purposes, introduce the code sample with an expository sentence where possible.

To make sure your code samples are legible, indent each line by two spaces per indentation level. If you’re having trouble formatting your code samples, try prettifying your code using a pretty print formatter, such as JSON Formatter.

To create code blocks in Braze documentation, refer to Code Snippet Test. Remember that code blocks should specify the language type to ensure proper syntax highlighting.

Dates and Times

Spell out the month and days of the week. Avoid abbreviations when possible. For instances when abbreviating months are required, only abbreviate the following:

Use a comma to separate the date from the year. If a day of the week is used with the date, add it before the month.

September 2021

September 15, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Use the preferred date format.

For date ranges, use an en dash.



Use an en dash for date ranges.

Use numerals with am or pm, followed by a space, followed by the time of day (am or pm). Remove the minutes from on-the-hour time.

12 pm

12:00 P.M.


Use numerals with am or pm.


Use minutes for on-the-hour time (unless it's a range).

For ranges of time, use an en dash to separate. Do not add spaces before or after the en dash.

12:45–2:30 pm

8:00 am–2:30 pm


Use an en dash for ranges of time.


Use minutes for ranges of time.

For reference in instances where parties from other time zones will be included (like webinars, meetings, or events), indicate the time zone as noted below:


While we’re a casual bunch, avoid using emojis in learning content as they can be interpreted in different ways and often come off as unprofessional.

Exceptions include the following scenarios:

Example Names

Never use real names, email addresses, or any other personally identifiable information (PII). Instead, use fictional examples or placeholder text.

When you need to include names in your writing, refer to Wikipedia’s list of Unisex names. Use the pronouns “they”, “their”, and “theirs” when possible, and avoid using examples that are limited to a specific gender.

Example Email Addresses

Use the format “” for generic email addresses. Replace “name” with an example name. For example:

Figures and Other Images

When creating figures and images, refer to the Image Copy Style Guide. Never include personally identifiable information (PII) in figures or images.

Alt Text

Always include alt text with images. Screen readers announce alt text to explain images to people with loss of vision. As such, your alt text must convey all the key information depicted in the image.

Use the following guidelines when writing alt text:

Custom Events settings page in the Braze dashboard with Add Report highlighted.

A screenshot of the Manage Settings > Custom Events page in the Braze dashboard with the option to add a report highlighted.



Example company names

If possible, take screenshots from dashboard-06 so that you’re using one of the FakeBrandz company names.

File Types and Filenames

When you’re referring to a file type, use the standard name of the type. If the file type is an acronym, refer to the file type in all caps.


executable file







Python file

Bash file

text file







.jpg, .jpeg










Use the standard name of the file type.

Use the file extension.

When you’re referring to the name of a file, format the filename as code text. For more information, see the section Code in Text.

When naming files in Braze documentation, such as article or image files, use all lowercase and separate words with underscores, not hyphens. For more information, refer to Creating Files and Folders on GitHub.


Footnotes are annotations that provide additional information and are usually placed at the end of a page. Because of the formatting of our text, footnotes are not optimal for most use cases. The following describes when to use footnotes versus other attribution methods:

Formatting Text in Instructions

Use consistent text formatting to help readers find and interpret information. This section provides guidelines on what formatting to use when describing or referring to different text elements in your instructions.

This section covers the following elements:


When referring to a button, use bold text for the button label. In most cases, match the capitalization of the UI. For buttons where the label is in all caps (except OK buttons), use sentence case instead.

To refer to a button, use only the button’s label. Do not refer to a button as “the [label] button”.

Click Add Languages.

Click the Add Languages button.

Click “Add Languages”.



If the label ends with a colon or ellipsis, omit the ending punctuation.

Click Save as

Click Save as…



If a button is an icon, include the name of the button as shown in the tooltip. If a button with an icon doesn't include a tooltip, submit a request that a tooltip be added.

Click ➕ Add.

Click the ➕ icon.




When referring to a checkbox, use bold text for the checkbox label. Don’t include the word “checkbox” unless clarity is needed. Prefer the terms “select/clear” versus “check/uncheck”.

Select Send campaign to users in their local time zone.

Clear the Exit checkbox.

Check Send campaign to users in their local time zone.

Uncheck the Exit checkbox.



Command-line commands and options

When referring to command-line commands or options, use code formatting. Match capitalization to how it appears, or how it must be typed.

Dialog boxes (Modals)

Avoid referring to dialog boxes by name unless clarity is needed. Instead, describe what the reader needs to do. If you refer to a dialog box, use bold text for the name of the dialog box and match the capitalization of the UI.

Click Upload then select a file to upload.

Click Upload and use the File Upload dialog box to select a file to upload.



Error messages

When referring to error messages that a reader may encounter, encapsulate the error message in quotation marks. For longer error messages, use a block quote.

“Push Bounced: MismatchSenderId”

Push Bounced: MismatchSenderID

Push Bounced: MismatchSenderID



Filter and operator names

When referring to the names of filters and operators for segments or other areas of the dashboard, use code text. Match the case of the UI, including elements that are in all caps such as OR and AND operators.

Select the First Used App filter and…

Combine filters with the OR operator.

Select the First Used App filter and…

Combine filters with the “OR” operator.



Folder and Filenames

When referring to folder names and filenames, use code text.

Open the braze.xml file.

Open the braze.xml file.



Key names and combinations

When referring to key names or key combinations, use the HTML <kbd> tag. This denotes textual user input from a keyboard, voice input, or any other text entry device. If you’re working in an editor that doesn’t support custom HTML, use code text instead.

Spell out the names of keys such as Command, Control, Option, and Shift. Don't use symbols for those keys.

Press  Option .

Press ⌥.



For key combinations, use a plus (+) sign between keys, but omit the plus from any special formatting.

Press  Option + F12 .

Press ⌥ + F12.



For example, this is how keyboard tags appear in Braze documentation:


When referring to a metric in a table or glossary entry, use initial caps with no special formatting. When referring to a metric in a sentence, use initial caps with italics (such as Machine Opens).


Use the term page when referring to a web page in general, or a specific page on the Braze dashboard. When referring to a page name, use the format “the [label] page” and bold the name of the page.

Go to the Segments page.

Go to the “Segments” page.



Permission names

When referring to names of user permissions within the dashboard, enclose the permission name in quotes.

Note: Currently we are using title case to match the formatting of the dashboard. There is a plan to update the permission names within the UI to sentence case to match our standards.


When referring to a tab, use the format “the [label] tab” and bold the name of the tab.

Go to the Manage Settings page and select the Tags tab.

Go to the “Manage Settings” page and select the “Tags” tab.



Text input

When instructing a reader to type a specific string of text, enclose the text in quotes.

In the Name field, enter “Lapsing Users”

In the Name field, enter Lapsing Users.





Spell out all city names on the first mention in the copy. After that, it’s fine to abbreviate well-known city names like NYC or LA.

First mention: San Francisco

Second mention: SF

For well-known cities like London or Tokyo, it’s fine to introduce them without a comma followed by the state, province, or country.

For cities or towns that may be unfamiliar to your audience, include the state, province, or country.

Biloxi, Mississippi

New Bedford, MA

Antwerp, Brussel



Capitalize the names of all countries. To abbreviate a country name, spell the first mention out in full, followed by the initials moving forward.

First mention: United States

Second mention: US


Don’t place periods between abbreviated country names.


Washington, DC



Washington, D.C.



Capitalize both the region and the directional modifying it.

Example: Northern California, Eastern Europe

Capitalize proper nouns describing a specific region or place.

Example: West Midlands, South America, South Chicago

States and Provinces

Capitalize all states and provinces.

Example: New York, Quebec

Headings and Titles

For article headings and titles, use sentence case capitalization. Be descriptive when writing headings and titles, and focus on the main purpose of the content based on the article type.

For article titles, use gerunds (verbs ending in -ing) to begin the title when applicable. Keep the article titles concise and make sure it is appropriate for the content. For example, a reference article about SMS messages could be titled “About SMS”.

For article headings, be concise and consistent across heading titles. For example, if the article’s Heading 1 style defines each step (ex. Step 1: Create a new push campaign), then keep this format across the article headings for consistency.

Refer to the GitHub page on Special Formatting for styling guidelines.


Lists are best used to format related information. Don't use a list to show only one item. If you want to set a single item off from surrounding text, then use some other formatting.

There are three types of lists: bulleted, lettered, and numbered. Include an introductory complete sentence that can end with a colon or period.

Use the same syntax for all list items if possible.

For list item capitalization, start each list item with a capital letter. For list item ending punctuation, do not use ending punctuation in the following scenarios:

Media Formatting

This section includes general guidelines for formatting images and GIFs in your content. For more information, including example screenshots, refer to the Image Copy Style Guide.


  • Do tightly crop to the feature or component of mention.
  • Do take high-quality screenshots, preferably on a retina monitor (MacBook display).
  • Do create a GIF of an interaction or workflow. Keep in mind that users cannot pause or scrub through a GIF to see details.  
  • Do run images through an optimizer to reduce file size (ImageOptim, TinyPNG, or Ezgif).
  • Do aim for high contrast between elements for accessibility.
  • Do resize images by height percentages rather than distinct pixel values.


  • Don’t include the header or sidebar of the dashboard, as these can be explained in a simple sentence.
  • Don’t include the entire dashboard.
  • Don’t include Personally Identifiable Information (unless blurred, or that of a demo user).
  • Don’t include the browser frame (URL field, bookmarks, tabs, etc.).
  • Don’t include dashboards of Technology Partners.
  • Don’t add a border or drop shadow to images.


Never start a sentence with a numeral. The exception is when referring to a year (example: “2019 was one for the books!).

Spell out numerals up to nine. For 10 or higher, use the numeral. For numbers over three digits, use a comma. Write out larger numbers.




9 billion








Always indicate what currency you’re referring to by using the currency symbol before the amount or spell it out (example: pesos, euros, pounds, etc.).

Use the decimal for amounts where the number of cents is greater than zero.  For sums greater than three digits, use a comma. Don’t include “.00” in sums of money.





Telephone Numbers

When a phone number is referenced, place hyphens between the digits. Do not place the area code within parentheses.

When formatting phone numbers with a country code, use a plus sign (+) before the country code and place the area code within parentheses.

Provide a number with a country code like so: +1 (504) 327-7269


+1 (123) 456-7890



1 234-567-9012



Spell out fractions and use a hyphen between the numerator and the denominator. Do not use numerals separated by a slash.

In some cases when expressing a fraction as a decimal is necessary, add a zero before the decimal point for fractions less than one.  

When expressing rating systems using fractions, use numerals to spell out the ranking.



9 out of 10



one third

nine out of ten



Use numerals and a percent sign (%) without a space in between them. However, if the percent starts the sentence, then spell out the entire percentage (number and percent).


Twenty percent of Braze users are...


10 %

20% of Braze users are...



Use a hyphen to indicate a range of numbers. Do not use an en dash to separate numbers in a range.

For ranges of numbers with units, repeat the unit of measurement after the number. This does not include repeating nouns. Use the word “to” between the numbers in the range to avoid confusion.

5 to 100

-10°C to 50°C





Placeholder Text

Use placeholder text to signify where the reader should supply the relevant value. Placeholder text should indicate the content that’s being represented. For example YOUR_API_KEY indicates the reader’s API key.

Writing Placeholders

When creating placeholder text, refer to the following guidelines:



Use uppercase letters and separate words with underscores (_).


​​For inline placeholder text, use italics.


For API code block placeholder text (where you can’t use italics), enclose the placeholders in curly brackets ({}).

<string name="com_appboy_api_key">{YOUR_APP_IDENTIFIER_API_KEY}</string>

For Liquid code block placeholder text (where you can’t use italics), use uppercase letters.

{%- connected_content YOUR-API-URL :save items -%}

Don’t sacrifice clarity for brevity. Use as many words as needed to represent a placeholder.


Don’t: NAME

Using Placeholders

When introducing or explaining a placeholder, refer to the following guidelines:



Call out placeholders immediately after the placeholder.

Replace <YOUR_APP_IDENTIFIER_API_KEY> with your App Identifier API Key, which you can find on the Settings page.

To call out two or more placeholders at once, use a bulleted list. List each placeholder in the order they appear in the code.

Replace the following:

  • PLACEHOLDER_VARIABLE: a description of what the placeholder represents
  • PLACEHOLDER_VARIABLE: a description of what the placeholder represents

Refer to the placeholder in the same formatting that it’s shown in the text or code.

target '<YOUR_APP_TARGET>' do

  pod 'Appboy-iOS-SDK'


Replace <YOUR_APP_TARGET> with the name of your target app.


When referring to Braze and its features, use full product and feature names, and capitalize them according to the UI. Don’t capitalize templates or common features. For a list of product names and their spelling, refer to the Glossary.

Don’t abbreviate product or feature names except in the following cases:

Never use product or feature names as verbs.

Never use an apostrophe after Braze (example:“Braze’s.”) It sounds awkward. Instead, form possessives using a preposition (“to, of, from”) followed by the company name.

The newest product update from Braze
That’s one of the defining features of Braze.


Braze’s newest product update
That’s one of Braze’s defining features


Refer to “Braze” as “we/our/ours.” Never “it/its/they/their.”


Using tables can be a helpful and organized way to display information. Make sure to have clear, descriptive headers and relevant data within the respective columns and rows.

Always use an introductory sentence to describe the purpose of the table. Avoid using tables in the middle of numbered procedures. Instead, consider using a list.

Units of Measurement

For HTML and Markdown, use a nonbreaking space (&nbsp) between the number and the unit when specifying a unit of measurement. This includes most units of measurement such as distance, pixels, points, weight, and degrees of temperature (between the degree and unit of measurement).

For currency, percent, or degrees of an angle, don’t use a space between the number and unit.

For ranges of numbers with units, repeat the unit for each number. Similarly, for rates, use “per” instead of a slash (/).


Cross-reference Links

Use cross-references to guide users to additional resources. In Braze documentation, use site-root-relative URLs to link to other Braze docs (replace “” with “{{site.baseurl}}”).

Avoid adding multiple links to the same document within a given page, as this can cause link fatigue. Duplicate links are fine in moderation if you’re linking to a specific section on another page, or if the page you’re linking from is long.

Embedding Videos

Similar to images, use videos to create variety in your learning materials. Most people learn best with a combination of mediums, so make sure that any content you include in a video is also covered in the article or lesson.

To embed a video in Braze documentation, refer to Embedded Video Test.

Headings as Link Targets

In Braze documentation, anchors are automatically created for headings. However, you may want to add a custom anchor to a heading if:

To add an anchor to a heading in Braze documentation, refer to Custom Anchors.

Link Text

Effective link text helps to improve the findability, discoverability, and accessibility of your content.

Structuring Links

Use one of the following formats when writing links:

Get started with the Braze Web SDK.

For more information, see Aborting Liquid Messages.


Match the link text to the title or heading of the link destination.

To find out your specific cluster or endpoint, contact Support.

When in doubt, you can always reset your password.


Use a description of the link destination as the link text.

You may need to rephrase a sentence to make good link text.

If you’re linking to a section on the same page, use a standard phrase that indicates this action. For example:

Writing Links

Apply the following guidelines when writing link text:

For more information on importing customer data, see User Import.

This feature connects to the Track users endpoint.

Learn more about what’s new in Android SDK 16.0.0.

Learn more about the Braze platform.

Storefront API keys are unique per Hydrogen storefront, but their permission scopes are shared by all Hydrogen storefronts. Learn more about Storefront API tokens.


Make sure the link text makes sense without the surrounding text.

For more information,
click here.

See this article.

Follow the instructions here.

For steps, refer to this document.

Learn more.

Storefront API tokens are unique per Hydrogen storefront, but their permission scopes are shared across all Hydrogen storefronts.


Use vague or non-descriptive link text.

Links for Endpoints

When referencing endpoint articles, be sure to use meaningful link text that can make sense out of context. If you’re using the endpoint’s path as a link, be sure to provide details in the surrounding text as the path may not clearly communicate the endpoint’s function.    

Delete user profiles using the Braze Delete user endpoint.

/users/export/id endpoint


Delete user profiles using the Braze Delete user endpoint.

/users/export/id endpoint


Links for File Download

If a link downloads a file, then make that clear in the link text, and mention the file type.

For tips, download the Regex Cheat Sheet PDF

For more information, download the Success and Support Services Handbook PDF


Make sure the link text communicates that clicking it will download a file.

Check out our RegEx Cheat Sheet.

Success and Support Services Handbook


Links to Other Sites

As a general rule, don’t link to another site if you can cover the information with a brief explanation. We can’t keep track of when the content on another site changes.

If you do link to an external site, make sure that the site you link to is high quality, reliable, and respectable. If possible, link to the most relevant heading on a page.

Use an external link icon to indicate that the link goes to a different domain. For Braze documentation, this is automatically applied to external links.

URLs for Images

In Braze documentation, use site-root-relative URLs to link to images. For more information, refer to Adding and Editing Images.


⚠️  = Use caution, refer to relevant notes

⛔️  = Don’t use


A/B testing

⚠️  abort
Avoid using unless referring to a specifically named process. Instead, use words like “stop”, “exit”, “cancel”, or “end”.

AccuWeather (partner)

action buttons

action-based delivery
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

Adjust (partner)

⛔️  ad hoc

Don’t use. Use “one-time” or similar.

Airbridge (partner)

AI item recommendation

Alloys / Braze Alloys
Always capitalized.

Don’t hyphenate.

⛔️ app group

Don't use. App group has been renamed to workspace.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Always capitalized. Spell out at the first mention, then it’s fine to use the acronym.



Bonfire / Bonfire community / Braze Bonfire community
Use “Braze Bonfire community” on the first mention, then it’s fine to use just “Bonfire” or “Bonfire community”.


⛔️  blacklist
Don’t use. Instead, use “blocklist” or “denylist”. For the verb form of these words, consider rewording the sentence to remove the problematic term. For example:

✅  Recommended: To block an existing property from being used in new messages, click Manage Properties.

⛔️  Not recommended: To blocklist an existing property, click Manage Properties.

Bluedot (partner)

Branch (partner)

Braze-to-Braze webhook


California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Spell out at the first mention, then it’s fine to use the acronym.

Use “can” to refer to an optional action or outcome. For example:

✅  Recommended: You can also upload and update user profiles via CSV files.

✅  Recommended: The import process can take a few minutes.

Don’t use “can” for directions. Instead, prefer the imperative verb. For examples, see Second Person and First Person.

Always capitalized. Plural is “Canvases”.

Canvas Flow
Use when differentiating between the original Canvas editor and Canvas Flow. Otherwise, use “Canvas”.

Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

CCPA compliance (noun) / CCPA-compliant (adjective)

Census (partner)

Certona (partner)


Use to refer to customer turnover or loss.

churn prediction

Lowercase except when referring to the UI.

Content Blocks

conversion group analysis


Currents / Braze Currents

Always capitalized.

custom attributes
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

custom events
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

customer data platform (CDP)


dashboard / Braze dashboard

Use to refer to Braze as a platform. Use lowercase (dashboard not Dashboard).

Digioh (partner)

drag and drop (verb)  / drag-and-drop (adjective)
Use when referring to dragging files into an upload zone.

Drag-And-Drop Editor
Use title case when referring to the feature in the UI. Otherwise, use lowercase (drag-and-drop editor). Use the verb when referencing how customers can drag and drop elements in the editor.

Dyspatch (partner)


early access

⛔️  e.g.
Don't use. Use the phrases “for example” or “such as” or similar.

Not “eCommerce” or “e-commerce”.

Not “Email” or “e-mail”.

end user (noun) / end-user  (adjective)
Prefer “your users” over “end users”.

⚠️ ensure
Avoid using when talking about what a feature does. Refer to Avoid Guarantees for more information.

event prediction

event properties / custom event properties
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

Use “extract” instead of “unzip” to refer to extracting files from a compressed folder.

external ID
Not "External ID". When referencing code snippets, use external_id. 


When used as an adjective (for example, "Fullscreen in-app messages"), render without the hyphen.


Not “Github” or “github”.


High-Value Actions


⛔️  i.e.
Don't use. Use the phrase “that is” or similar.


Intelligence Suite
Use title case.

Intelligent Channel
Use title case.

Intelligent Selection
Use title case.

Intelligent Timing
Use title case.

⛔️  Internet of things

Don’t use.



⚠️  kill
Avoid using unless referring to a specifically named process. Instead, use words like “stop”, “exit”, “cancel”, or “end”.


Always capitalized.



Not “max”.

media library
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

multichannel campaign
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized. No hyphen.

multi-language support


Not “NA”. Use “N/A” as needed in tables to denote column or row content that does apply to a particular cell. In inline text, prefer the spelled out “not available” or “not applicable” for clarity.

⚠️  new
Avoid using in product documentation and learning material, as this can quickly date your content. For more information, see Future Features.


Use to refer to performing an action a single time. Don’t use “once” in place of “after”.

⛔️ out-of-the-box
Don’t use. Instead, use an alternative like “default”.


personally identifiable information (PII)

Personalized Path
Use title case.

Personalized Variant
Use title case.


Lowercase unless preceded by “Braze”, such as “A Braze Prediction is…”.

Predictive Churn

Use title case. Predictive Churn is the product name, whereas customers create a churn prediction.

Predictive Events
Use title case.

Predictive Purchases

Use title case. Predictive Purchases is the product name, whereas customers create a purchase prediction.

Predictive Suite
Use title case.

preference center
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

promotion code
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized. Don’t use “promo code”.

purchase prediction

Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

purchase properties
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

push action buttons

Push Max
Use title case.

Push Stories
Use title case.



⛔️ QA (quality assurance)
Do not use the acronym as a verb. Instead, rewrite as “perform quality assurance”.

Quiet Hours

⚠️  quick / quickly
Avoid using. What is quick for you may not be quick for others. For related guidelines, refer to Condescending Language.



⚠️  regular expression / regex
Prefer the spelled-out version over its abbreviated “regex”. Don’t use “RegEx”.


⛔️  sanity check

Don’t use. Instead, use a term like “quick check” or “preliminary check”. Alternatively, introduce check-in instructions with a phrase like “Let's check to make sure everything is working”.

scheduled delivery
Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

segment (audience)

Segment (partner)
Always capitalized.

Segment Extensions
Use title case.

Segment Insights
Use title case.

As in, the feature within catalogs. Lowercase except when referring to a UI element that is capitalized.

simple survey

Snowflake (partner)

software as a service (SaaS)
Spell out at the first mention, then it’s fine to use the acronym.

SQL Segment Extensions
Use title case.


For non-technical audiences, define a string as text that contains “alphanumeric characters”. For technical audiences, it’s fine not to define this term.

subscription group


⚠️  terminate
Avoid using unless referring to a specifically named process. Instead, use words like “stop”, “exit”, “cancel”, or “end”.

time zone
Not "timezone".


⛔️  unzip
Don’t use. Instead, use “extract”.

Pronounced as the individual letters U-R-L, so write “a URL” rather than “an URL”. Use all caps. For plurals, use URLs.

user attributes / default user attributes
Use to refer to user data automatically captured by Braze.

⚠️  utilize
Don’t use “utilize” when you mean “use”. Use “utilize” to refer to something being used beyond its original intended purpose.



Don’t use. Instead, use terms like “through” or phrases like “by means of” or “by way of”.

⛔️  vice versa
Don’t use. Instead, use terms like “conversely” or a phrase like “the other way around”.


Vizbee (partner)

Voucherify (partner)

⚠️  vs.
Don’t use “vs.” as an abbreviation for “versus”. Instead, spell out the word.


web messaging

web push



⛔️  whitelist
Don’t use unless referring to the UI. Instead, use “allowlist” or “safelist”. For the verb form of these words, consider rewording the sentence to remove the problematic term. For examples, see blacklist.

⚠️  Wi-Fi
Don’t use “WiFi”, “wi-fi”, or “wifi”.

Avoid using “will” or “would”. See Present Tense.

Winning Path
Use title case.

Winning Variant
Use title case.

⛔️ wizard

Don't use. Instead, use "composer".



Xamarin (partner)


Don’t use a file extension to refer to the type of file. For example, use “YAML file” instead of “.yaml file”.



Zapier (partner)

Zendesk (partner)

zip code


Don’t use a file extension to refer to the type of file. For example, use “ZIP file” instead of “.zip file”.