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1.             Introduction

1.1 MSD Digital Intelligence Sdn. Bhd. and all companies within our group ("MSD Group") attributes paramount importance to your right to privacy and the safeguarding of your personal data in particular the need to process all your personal data collected in a lawful and appropriate manner specifically, in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“the Act”) in the course of the operation of our business. “Personal Data” is information that identifies and relates to you or other individuals (such as your dependants). This Personal Data Protection Notice is designed to provide notice of and assist you in understanding why and how MSD Group collects and processes your Personal Data, to whom such data is disclosed and to whom data access requests can be addressed.

2.             Collection of Personal Data

2.1 In order for MSD Group to efficiently and effectively operate its business, in particular, to provide you with the best service possible in delivering MSD Group’s products and/or services, MSD Group may be required to collect relevant personal data from you i.e any information that relates directly or indirectly to you, who is identified or identifiable from that information or from that and other information in the possession of MSD Group, which may include any sensitive personal data. This includes, but not limited to, your name, address, phone number and email address.

3.             Purposes of Collecting Personal Data

3.1 The personal data collected by MSD Group may be used inter alia for the following purpose (list of which is not exhaustive):-


3.1.1 Promoting, advertising and enhancing our products and services;

3.1.2 To respond to your enquiries and complaints and to resolve disputes;

3.1.3 Recruitment purposes;

3.1.4 Storing and processing of personal data relating to MSD Group clients in the data storage systems;

3.1.5 Updating and managing the accuracy of the MSD Group's internal record, including but not limited to administration, processing and matching any personal data held which relates to you for any of the purposes listed herein;

3.1.6 Billing, and/ or auditing purposes;

3.1.7 To comply with legal and regulatory requirements;

3.1.8 Disclosing personal data to the government authorities and/or authorised third party as required by law and/or within the responsibility of MSD Group; and

3.1.9 As reasonably contemplated by the nature of any transaction.

4.             How MSD Group Collects Personal Data

4.1 The principal ways we collect Personal Data are through your direct contact and interaction with MSD Group through telephone conversations, e-mails and other form of communications in MSD Group’s business dealings with you.

4.2 MSD Group also collects Personal Data via other mode such as through MSD Group website(s), software applications made available by MSD Group and our social media page(s).

5.             Disclosure to Third Parties

5.1  If and when necessary, your Personal Data may be disclosed to the following third parties:

5.1.1 Authorised agents, contractors and third party service providers who provide services to MSD Group for any of the purposes contemplated herein;

5.1.2  External professional advisors and auditors; 5.1.3 Governmental departments and authorities; and/or

5.1.4 Any affiliated companies of MSD Group.




6.             Access and Correction

6.1 Your Personal Data must be accurate, complete, not misleading and kept upto-date. Should you be made aware of any inaccurate, incomplete or misleading Personal Data or where the Personal Data provided to MSD Group have become incorrect or out of date, kindly notify us at the contact provided herein.

6.2  You have the right to request access and correct your Personal Data and to withdraw your consent given to us hereunder. Such request however, may be subject to the requirements in the Act and the Company’s request procedure and at a prescribed fee as applicable.

6.3 Your decision to provide any Personal Data is voluntary save for certain information that is required by the law. Hence, you will not be subject to adverse consequences if you so wish not to provide MSD Group with the said information.  Be that as it may, MSD Group may not be able to accomplish some or all of the purposes set out herein and/or MSD Group may not be able to process your application or provide you with MSD Group products and/or services.

6.4                               If you do provide Personal Data to MSD Group pertaining to other

individuals, you hereby agree to:-

6.4.1 Inform the said individual the content of this Personal Data Protection Notice; and

6.4.2 To obtain the requisite consent for the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of the Personal Data about the individual in accordance with this Personal Data Protection Notice.


7.             Withdrawal of Consent             

7.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, you may at any time withdraw your consent to MSD Group processing any Personal Data of yours or to any part or portion of the same by sending to MSD Group  to MSD Group Data Protection Officer (as below) written notice of withdrawal as prescribed by the Act. MSD Group shall take all necessary measures to give effect to your withdrawal of consent, to the extent that such withdrawal does not conflict with any of MSD Group’s other legal obligations.

7.2 If you do not wish to have your personal data shared with any other party, or if you do not wish to be solicited for products or services offered by MSD Group or any other parties including third parties, kindly inform MSD Group in writing.

7.3 You shall, upon written request, be granted access to all personal data held or stored or processed by MSD Group.

8.             Inquiries/Complaints

8.1  Should you require further information kindly view MSD Group Privacy Policy (Personal Data Protection) and can be requested from MSD Group Data Protection Officer at [*].

8.2 Any query, complaints regarding this Privacy Policy may be addressed directly to MSD Group Data Protection Officer as above.


9                   Acceptance of This Personal Data Protection Notice


9.1               You are given notice that MSD Group’s products and/or services will only be made available to you upon your acceptance and express consent to the terms of this Personal Data Protection Notice, where such express acceptance and consent shall be evidenced by you checking, clicking and/or indicating accordingly on the relevant consent portion of the registration forms or such other documents as my be furnished to you whether physically or digitally, as the case may be.

9.2               By so indicating your acceptance of the term of this Personal Data Protection Notice, you shall be deemed to have expressly consented to the processing of your personal data by MSD Group for the purposes as outlined.




10.           Changes to this Personal Data Protection Notice

10.1 Please note that MSD Group may update this Personal Data Protection Notice from time to time. If there are material changes to this Personal Data Protection Notice, MSD Group will notify you by posting a notice of such changes on MSD Group’s website(s) or by sending you a notification directly. Do periodically review this Personal Data Protection Notice to stay informed on how MSD Group are protecting your information