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Ahmed Salama Ahmed Curriculum Vitae
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[Name: Ahmed Salama Ahmed]

[Location: Cairo, Egypt]

[Mobile Number: +20 109-349-8811]


 linkedin-profile  github-profile

[ Experience ]

Standard Software Application Engineer - Valeo Egypt – 04 / 2022 - now

 worked on PTS toolchain with tools like CMake, conan package manager.

● worked on CI/CD pipeline for embedded projects using jenkins. 

● worked on desktop applications using .net and WPF

● worked on automation scripts using python, Bash script batch script.

Software Engineer - envnt “Codelab” 10 / 2021 - 04 / 2022

● developed a web platform for managing court cases and legal proceedings regarding distributing inheritance between family members for the  KSA government using Outsystems platform.

 followed user stories and requirements from business analysts and translated them into fully tested features.

Backend .net software development engineer - Crossworkers Egypt 07 / 2021 - 10 / 2021 

 Learned clean architecture, functional programming, REST API development using, worked with entity Framework, and deployed a web API for a calendar app made using angular.

 Made a dashboard using HTML CSS js and bootstrap for azure IoT hub device administration.

VR & game dev intern - R&D Lab CVS3 Faculty of engineering, ain shams 07 / 2020 - 10 / 2020

 The intern was about VR development and 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry and at the end we made two projects

 Hitman El Abassy: A 3D game made using Unreal Engine 4 and 3D models made using Photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning. Also a VR version is made for the HTC VIVE. LinkedIn Post

 Faculty of Engineering 360 tour: A 360 tour made using KrPano and PTGUI released on the CVS3 website. Tour Link 

[ Education ]

Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ain Shams University – GPA: 3.496 – September 2017 - June 2021 

● B.Sc. in Computer and Information Science software engineering department.

[ Certificates ]

● AWS - CCP certified cloud practitioner

● EDX Program - C Programming with Linux Professional Certificate by Dartmouth IMTx.

● Coursera - Web Applications for Everybody Specialization by university of michigan

[ Skills ]

Programming Languages: C#, C, C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript.

Concepts: Problem-Solving, Critical thinking, Decision making, Algorithms, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), SOLID principles, Clean Code, Concurrency, Threading, OS, Clean Architecture, MVC, MVVM, Design Patterns (GoF), Microservices architecture, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), No SQL Database, Relational Database, Object Relational Mapper (ORM), Caching, Networking fundamentals, Package managers (conan, vcpkg, scoop), Containers (docker, Podman), API (REST, SOAP), Remote procedure call (RPC), Restful API design,  shell scripting, Linux, Unit testing, Mocking, Test Driven development (TDD), Behavior-driven development (BDD), version control (GIT), Agile process, authentication, authorization .

Technologies: CMake, Docker, Jenkins.

Frameworks: .NET Core, Angular, Entity Framework, Rabbit MQ, SignalR, Java Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, NodeJs, FastAPI.

Interests: Devops (Site Reliability Engineering), cloud, CI/CD, Build Systems, Compilers.

[ Achievements ]

 8th place at Google Hash Code at Ihub FCIS Ain Shams (2020).

● 2nd place at Support ASU mini-game jam (2019).

● 1st Place in Structured Programming out of 100+ teams (2018).

● 1st place in best projects competition for Graphics Course.

● VR Diploma Graduate from the American Embassy.

[ Extracurricular activities  ]

Head to Support ASU Game Committee. (05/2019 - 5/2020)

● Organization committee member for the game summer training for the faculty of computer science

● Kids Programming instructor at Trainopia NGO (07/2019 - 02/2020)

● VR instructor at 412 laps (09/2018 - 01/2019)

[ Projects  ]

Col-Lab (Graduation Project) – Mern Stack

Online Development Environment with real-time Communication and Collaboration. (2020)

Beetle Download Manager – Java, OOP - [GitHub]

Managing downloads with the ability to pause/resume the download and a customizable user-friendly GUI. (2019)

Content-Aware Image Resizing – C#, DP -  [GitHub]

Resizing images using Dynamic Programming concept to maintain the resolution. (2019)

Go-Sonic Game – C#, OpenGL, Sockets - [GitHub]

A 3D endless runner with multiplayer support. (2019)

Data Algo – Unity C# – [GitHub]

An application to teach students and kids about programming by visualizing how the data structures work and giving them problems to solve.